The OC Candidates Thread

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The "Oh-God-it's-going-to-be-Arroyo" folks are starting to equal the "Gattis-will-not-get-fired" folks. If Mario wanted Arroyo, chances are it would have already happened. IIRC, @Cane6 indicated that Mario reached out to both Hartline and Riley. If he wanted something easy, Arroyo would have been the pick weeks ago. Clearly Mario has his sights elsewhere. With each passing day, Arroyo likely becomes less and less likely. Not sure why everyone is spending so many keystrokes going on and on about how terrible Arroyo is.

/famous last words right?

They are the same exact folks.

The "Oh-God-it's-going-to-be-Arroyo" folks are starting to equal the "Gattis-will-not-get-fired" folks. If Mario wanted Arroyo, chances are it would have already happened. IIRC, @Cane6 indicated that Mario reached out to both Hartline and Riley. If he wanted something easy, Arroyo would have been the pick weeks ago. Clearly Mario has his sights elsewhere. With each passing day, Arroyo likely becomes less and less likely. Not sure why everyone is spending so many keystrokes going on and on about how terrible Arroyo is.

/famous last words right?
These are also the ones who are absolutely certain that this time, THIS TIME, the burner will not be hot if they put their hand on it.
Look at his track record. Couldn't hire any of the "targeted candidates" in 2022 ... they all turned the job down and he ended up with basically a panic hire of Gattis. Putting together a list of high quality candidates is one thing ... but being able to hire them is something altogether different.
Gattis turned into a catastrophe but their were VERY few people not lauding the move 12 months ago
Im deadass when i said i woulda kept gattis before getting arroyo. And Mfs trying to spin the herbert narrative now its all hilarious man i watched that **** live multiple times and all 22 pre draft. He had a top 5 talent at qb but if u watched the offense you’d think he had chad Pennington lol
Look, Mario is definitely on the more conservative side offensively. That said, you can make a case that it is disingenuous to suggest that the Herbert offense means something (when we are assessing Mario now) because the game has really changed these last few years. I feel like offense has evolved significantly from '19 to '23; perhaps more so than any other 4 year time period in at least my time viewing football the last 2 decades. I mean, some teams were going fast in '19 but now nearly every team is doing it. What felt like a limited concept in '19 is now widespread accepted.

Folks here are so hellbent on reverting to what Mario did with Herbert at Oregon as it's dispositive of who he is now. I'm not so sure. Listen to @DMoney. He was last talking about how Mario now wants a running QB.

I'm not going to suggest Mario has evolved because I haven't seen enough yet but I do think he can and we have seen some glimpses of it.
Clearly I said that, right.

It’s no secret he takes his time. This is his MO with these types of things. He followed the same approach last time and failed miserably with the offensive coordinator hire.

Get his **** out of your mouth before talking.

This is a message board. We’re supposed to have a discussion. If you want to have a whataboutism conversation, have it with a kindergartner. My comment is relevant to the thread and has has evidentiary support. Further, I even limited the scope of my criticism. “With these types of things.” Or did you not comprehend that part?
At what point did he start taking too long to hire the next OC? Gattis was fired Friday. If he's taking too long in your opinion, when was he supposed to have it done by? Sunday?

Giving him one to two weeks after the official firing (formal interviews probably weren't happening prior to the job opening) seems reasonable. Ideally would like it done before signing day
That tweet says that he received an offer

I missed that. Sorry. However, I'd still lean to questioning how accurate that tweet is and as you mentioned in another post he could have been attempting to leverage for more money from Washington. We know first hand not everything tweeted is accurate information.
Look, Mario is definitely on the more conservative side offensively. That said, you can make a case that it is disingenuous to suggest that the Herbert offense means something (when we are assessing Mario now) because the game has really changed these last few years. I feel like offense has evolved significantly from '19 to '23; perhaps more so than any other 4 year time period in at least my time viewing football the last 2 decades. I mean, some teams were going fast in '19 but now nearly every team is doing it. What felt like a limited concept in '19 is now widespread accepted.

Folks here are so hellbent on reverting to what Mario did with Herbert at Oregon as it's dispositive of who he is now. I'm not so sure. Listen to @DMoney. He was last talking about how Mario now wants a running QB.

I'm not going to suggest Mario has evolved because I haven't seen enough yet but I do think he can and we have seen some glimpses of it.
Yeah, a lot of questions will be answered when he makes the actual hire.
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