Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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I think @JayCane20 alluded to him having similar issues as Gattis. An SEC Associate AD he knows told him it would be "career suicide" for Mario to hire him.
Idk what the issues with Gattis you’re referring are if you mean off-field or whatever.

The career suicide comment was related to strictly on-field perception and being a terrible hire for what Miami should be getting.
I hate to say it but if we fast forward 9 months and it's clear Mario botched another coordinator hire after his marathon hiring process then I think we're going to get into a very weird situation. I hope it works out don't wanna be around for that.
Weird? It'll be final curtains for the program most likely. They are going all out on Mario. You can not like him but if you are a fan you need him to succeed or the program will go into a slump like you haven't seen.
lol the OC is the colts HC and we are 100 percent sure the eagles are making Brian JOhnson their OC. it got reported all over by the NFL guys yesterday. the ravens also requested to interview him for their OC opening. mario and miami dont carry the weight for a guy to turn down NFL OC gigs to become a midtier college OC

I'm just going to be honest.

I have never understood the irrational confidence that the "It's Brian Johnson" Bros have exhibited.

The AC/DC and Breakfast Club gifs were fun. But otherwise, the sum-total of Brian Johnson evidence appears to be "timeline, mannnnn", a Dennis Smith joke tweet, and Cribby's avatar (I guess).

Meanwhile, and I've been asking this question for a month, who else has made this move previously? Jedd Fisch? Yeah, he had a 1 year NFL job where his NFL HC got fired, and then another 1 year NFL job where his team went 7-9. I can understand JEDD FISCH's motivation to bounce down to college. BUT A GUY WHO JUST COACHED IN THE SUPER BOWL AND HAS SERIOUS NFL JOB INTEREST? Makes no sense at all.

And, hey, I'm not against Mario swinging for the fences. But until Brian Johnson talks about his nostalgia for the college game the way that Nick Saban does, I'm not buying it.

But the stubbornness with which the Brian Johnson Bros mention his name is now rivalling that of the Lane Train Passengers...
Idk what the issues with Gattis you’re referring are if you mean off-field or whatever.

The career suicide comment was related to strictly on-field perception and being a terrible hire for what Miami should be getting.

Jay, its tough keeping up with the almost 300 pages now, you are referring to Applewhite being a bad hire?
Weird? It'll be final curtains for the program most likely. They are going all out on Mario. You can not like him but if you are a fan you need him to succeed or the program will go into a slump like you haven't seen.

A deeper slump than 5-7 and the last 20 years…


Let’s not do that…
I saw Fedora's name out there - is there any reality to him being a serious candidate for OC...?
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