The new Brandon Inniss Thread

Money Reaction GIF by Ooki

Day has the Billy Mays overly articulate and colored beard.

Guy must do copious amounts of cocaine.

Ryan Day looks like he upsells cell phone accessories in the middle of the mall.

And who all Likes or Laughs at the post...knows THAT guy... the old "I'll kick in the screen protector for an extra $25" face ***
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I'm with you on that. And maybe I'm crazy, maybe in several years if everybody is getting paid, maybe it works itself out.

But I don't see how this works when there are 40, 50, 60 kids in the locker room currently who are making nothing or peanuts and here comes a 17 year old with $1.8M in the bank and he's getting $500K a year. Half these kids are busts. What if the kid who is making all this money isn't as good as someone else at his position, but he's higher paid? Won't the collectives want the kids they "represent" to play, so people know who they are?

Anyway, we've talked NIL on this board ad nauseum. There are a million nuances here, we can go back and forth about this all day. I just don't see how this is good for the sport in any way, although I absolutely believe in Capitalism and if someone is willing to pay it, then the kids deserve it and I'm glad they are. The old people who don't actually play the sport have been getting rich for far too long.

I just don't see how you establish/built a culture when kids are making this much money without doing anything yet. And I don't know how hard 17 year olds are going to work with this much money being given to them guaranteed. But I don't know anything, just saying this seems headed towards a very bad conclusion.
Yes - and the boosters are going to want even more control than they already have. Right now they can threaten to stop donating to the school which may or may not give them much leverage as the school may have enough money from ticket sales, tv revenue, etc to go w/o their money. But if a high level booster(s) (ex: Ruiz) decides they are not going to give out NIL until they see the kid they paid for play, the coach they want fired fired, etc then they suddenly have a lot more leverage.

Think the whole Auburn fiasco with them wanting their coach fired; all they have to do is stop giving out NIL and they have effectively made the decision for the AD when that coach can no longer recruit any kids since no one will give them NIL.
1 mil per year for a quarterback who may sit the bench for one or two of those years?

Or 1 mil per year for a kid who will contribute and probably start every year he’s here?
It appears that one Buckeye already shut it down as false.
Gotcha. Either way, I’d love to go back and give this high school athlete thing another shot lol.

But really, the bad news about this is everyone, especially the big boys, steps up after they get called out. I mean ****, even we did it lol.

To the extent OSU was having issues with money/NIL (which I kind of doubt anyway), they’ll get it fixed and then some, I expect.
You’re missing the point. If good coaches like that are easy to come by, you’d think we would have lucked into one ourselves at some point over the last 20+ years. I’d kill to only lose one game a season and it be the number 2 team in the country
In their conference they play 1 team a year with close to their talent level....we aint graced with that playing in the south
Take a stand and deal with the consequences if you're wrong like a real man. I too thought Garcia reminded me a of a young Ken Marino, the actor.
I mean he looked pretty sharp when he came in vs MTSU when TVD was struggling so badly. But that Duke game wrecked him mentally, I think, and the coaches seemed to have lost faith in him.
These gaudy numbers bring thrown around are really just revealing of how much $$ is in the sport and has been for decades. I don't think anyone is losing money on these deals