So let me understand.
UM is considered to be in the wrong by some in the national media for using university money on a university program? How stupid. All of the money belongs to the university and it can choose to spend its lawfully earned money anyway it chooses. Imagine the uproar if athletics turns a profit and some of the profit is used to fund non-athletic programs. Oh yeah, no one would care because that is not a story.
If UM is wrong then please tell me how the following are right, and why no one seems to care about:
1. Texas universities using state oil money to fund athletic programs. Certainly this money would be better served being returned to the taxpayers of the state, and if it must be distributed to the universities, there must be better uses than athletics.
2. A non-profit organization in Texas using its money for NIL payments to linemen at Univ of Texas. Frankly, I am unsure if this is even legal for a non-profit, and if so, whether the donors to the non-profit can still claim a deduction.
3. Any state university using tax dollars to pay for athletic programs.