The Lawyer thread

Hi All! I'm starting a gofundme for a lawyer. The lawyer will be kept on retainer, to be called upon for further scams. The initial use and purpose of the lawyer is for those that donated to the billboard scam started by @305_separatist. Hopefully we will raise enough money so the lawyer can work enough hours to find that scum bag that stole your money for a billboard and return it those hard working people.

sorry there isn't a website up yet, it's almost 2am. Once there is enough interest/I've slept enough, I will have one ready.


~It's a Canes Thing, You Wouldn't Understand.
Did you even donate ? ......*****.
Law firm of Nadler and Schiff looking for clients. They can take your case starting 1/21/2021, if you can wait. They will come cheap and are willing to take on any cause, merits notwithstanding.