Rumor The Handshake: San Cristobal vs Norvell

perfunctory /pər-fŭngk′tə-rē/


  1. Done routinely and with little interest or care.
    "The operator answered the phone with a perfunctory greeting."
  2. Acting with indifference; showing little interest or care.
  3. Done merely to get rid of a duty; performed mechanically and as a thing of rote; done in a careless and superficial manner; characterized by indifference.
    "perfunctory admonitions"
I was unable to snap a pic as I was basking in the glory of the win from my luxury skybox dining on fine shrimp and spam.

My man! The Spam really lights up the taste, and still brings out the subtle hints of shrimp essence.

Lots of Pacific Islands - Spam is a dietary staple and they are really creative with it.

Keep your freak on, brother!
Maybe it’s just me but I didn’t see anything abnormal. They shook hands and that’s it. Lol. What do you guys expect these coaches to do at midfield? Bro hug? Lol
Went through the motions because they have to. No reason to say anything to someone you really cant stand.
All joking aside, and my oft stated desire to see Cristobal give a cleveland steamer to Norvell...

Did anyone else notice how dismissive and frosty the post-game handshake was between the two?

I was getting a "we don't like each vibe".

And I'm here for it.
It's you biggest rival. What did you want Mario to do give him a reach around?
Did anyone else catch the dap that an fsu player did with Mark Fletcher after one of his first down runs?

I saw that and knew the noles were COOKED after that