The Culture Part Will Take Time

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I think that people mistakenly think that we can clean house and simply start over. The program is on life support. This is likely the one chance we have at becoming relevant again. If Mario fails, support and $ will dry up very quickly. If you are hoping for change as a result of losses you better be ready to root for losses for the next 20 years
The sight of D.J. Ivey losing ground on the 98-yard TD to where Ivey was out of the picture when the receiver crossed the goal line seems symbolic of where we are as a program right now.

Need a lot more dogs. Need a lot more speed. Need a lot more of just about everything, really
All the culture in the world isn’t going to win with that prehistoric offense .

We are basically Iowa football.
over the years I’ve grown to appreciate your contributions to the board. When you begin to jump ship you know it’s looking bleak. Especially given that you don’t do it until you’re absolutely sure
They're two separate things Mario has to solve for at the same time. I agree.
Feel like we will know by the end of the season, guy he brought in to run the offense and wr’s has failed at both. If there isn’t a major turn around by seasons end I’m afraid his stubborn ways are going to doom us to mediocrity.

Now an Ad like Rad can push the issue.
The sight of D.J. Ivey losing ground on the 98-yard TD to where Ivey was out of the picture when the receiver crossed the goal line seems symbolic of where we are as a program right now.

Need a lot more dogs. Need a lot more speed. Need a lot more of just about everything, really
I wanted to puke, put a whole through the tv, cry, but just laughed. That DJ being DJ.
We need leaders, besides maybe X not a single person leads this team vocally or by example. Nobody willing to hold their teammates accountable when they **** up. The culture has a long way to go.
Aye @LuCane you know the best way to signal a culture change is sell out the UNC game, pack that stadium after this historic loss to show these players we got their back thru the roughest of times. I'm sick of hearing these lazy *** fans complain after a loss and just dog the staff and players and not show up to support the guys. Fans want players to play hard for them without putting in any type of work as fans. I'm a Buffalo bills fan and the mafia support and travels for the team even thru the worst of the worst years.
After 2 decades of ineptitude, to expect a complete turnaround in 9 months is asinine no matter who was hired as the HC. Was last Sat a disaster and a set back for Mario? No question and proves that there’s much more work to do than many believed.

Calling for heads to roll after 4 games by some comes as no surprise and some of the dumbest **** I’ve ever seen on this site - and that’s saying something. What are the alternatives? Fire Gattis? Who’s going to take his place at this point? Fire anybody on the current staff? Who’s going to take their place?

The reality is there’s a lot of issues from the previous 2 decades that won’t be cured in less than a year. How long will it take? No one knows including Mario. From changing the culture, to game day planning, to recruiting, to managing a staff, and a multitude of other tasks, Mario’s plate is overflowing.

These next 2 weeks will be critical to the success or failure of the rest of this season. I have no doubt no one will work harder than Mario to try and address as many of the issues as humanly possible.
We need leaders, besides maybe X not a single person leads this team vocally or by example. Nobody willing to hold their teammates accountable when they **** up. The culture has a long way to go.

You "hire"/"acquire" for that, FWIW. You don't "inspire" kids to do that or necessarily teach them how. We better be really good at evaluating for it.

[And, no, it doesn't take football experience. But, that's another topic altogether]
Aye @LuCane you know the best way to signal a culture change is sell out the UNC game, pack that stadium after this historic loss to show these players we got their back thru the roughest of times. I'm sick of hearing these lazy *** fans complain after a loss and just dog the staff and players and not show up to support the guys. Fans want players to play hard for them without putting in any type of work as fans. I'm a Buffalo bills fan and the mafia support and travels for the team even thru the worst of the worst years.
I mean, for the last 3+ decades, I'm there till 00:00 regardless. But, I'm also an idiot in many ways. I don't expect others to be, too. The program needs to put out a better product for its highly fair-weather market. Just a different brand of values down here.

[Cheers on how well the Bills Mafia travels, btw. I've hated your franchise since basically birth, but I can tip my cap out of respect]
I mean, for the last 3+ decades, I'm there till 00:00 regardless. But, I'm also an idiot in many ways. I don't expect others to be, too. The program needs to put out a better product for its highly fair-weather market. Just a different brand of values down here.

[Cheers on how well the Bills Mafia travels, btw. I've hated your franchise since basically birth, but I can tip my cap out of respect]
No you bro I know you're a real one, but the wishy washy fair weather fans just need to group together and support I know for a fact if that stadium is packed these guys are gonna respond and play harder Than they have in recent memory.

Funny thing is it might have been more bills fans in the stands in the dolphins game, but I plan to be back down for FSU week,
Too many people thought mario was going to turn water into wine, and didn't understand why so many saw an 8-4 season with a good class as successful. The positives that can come out of this is hopefully people will understand that it takes more than one season or class to start winning consistently and maybe mario takes an overdue look at his offensive philosophy in the modern game.
This was always going to be a 3-4 year rebuild before having any sustainable success. Work hard. Recruit well. Change the culture & hopefully find an identity/staff along the way that gets us where we want to be. Sucks to pay this much money to a man learning on the job but reality is we're paying for results 4 years down the road, not now. I'd love to see him show growth & adapt to an offense that's more fitting of our skillset/surroundings. We'll see. Regardless, he isn't going anywhere.
Wonder how they gonna purge a roster that needs a good purging when the players are from south florida and have covid years to stay for a decade nowadays it seems..
Culture does take time you’re right, but TrumpyCane has one question?

How long does it take to see certain players from the past regime such as Flagg, Ivey, Mallory keep ******** up. Did Mario not look at the previous 3 years of game film?

Everyone knows this team isn’t going to win 10+ games so why do they keep trotting out the same scrubs that for now 4 years have shown constant mistakes and zero improvement?