The country has a man crush on our coach

If you put a gun to my head and make me guess....I'd say we'll get another 5 outstanding years from Golden, then he moves on to the NFL.

I hope I'm wrong, but he seems like such a goal oriented guy that I find it hard to believe he'll ever be satisfied or allow himself to get comfortable. A guy like that will always want more, and so he should.

He's going to end up going down as one of the most important men in the history of this program. God bless that dude....he helped us escape from dark times.

He's stated before that he's a college guy and has no interest in the NFL.

We'll see how that holds up.

I must have missed that comment but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. I said before I think his success-driven attitude could pull him to the NFL but really, he's a perfect fit for college.

If you put a gun to my head and make me guess....I'd say we'll get another 5 outstanding years from Golden, then he moves on to the NFL.

I hope I'm wrong, but he seems like such a goal oriented guy that I find it hard to believe he'll ever be satisfied or allow himself to get comfortable. A guy like that will always want more, and so he should.

He's going to end up going down as one of the most important men in the history of this program. God bless that dude....he helped us escape from dark times.

He's stated before that he's a college guy and has no interest in the NFL.

We'll see how that holds up.

Al seems like a perfect fit for college. I don't see him as an NFL head coach. He seems more like an NFL GM type to me.
Is somebody going to call out that Gator honk for his repeated articles on why Corch Golden should leave UM? Its pretty unethical what he's doing
The Don has been eating saltines for 3 years. Yesterday, with the toothless "sanctions" coming down, Mario Batali put a giant bowl of rigatoni bolognese with a big chunk of parmaggiano reggiano fresh off the wheel in front of him. You think he's going to excuse himself from Mario's chef table to get into another fcked up situation and start from scratch with his saltines again? Fck outta here.
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The Don has been eating saltines for 3 years. Yesterday, with the toothless "sanctions" coming down, Mario Batali put a giant bowl of rigatoni bolognese with a big chunk of parmaggiano reggiano fresh off the wheel in front of him. You think he's going to excuse himself from Mario's chef table to get into another fcked up situation and start from scratch with his saltines again? Fck outta here.

Shhhh, keep the porsters on edge. He loves a diet of saltines and endless media **** questions.
The Don has been eating saltines for 3 years. Yesterday, with the toothless "sanctions" coming down, Mario Batali put a giant bowl of rigatoni bolognese with a big chunk of parmaggiano reggiano fresh off the wheel in front of him. You think he's going to excuse himself from Mario's chef table to get into another fcked up situation and start from scratch with his saltines again? Fck outta here.

Shhhh, keep the porsters on edge. He loves a diet of saltines and endless media **** questions.

Must be a relief to not have to answer those questions anymore.
Anyone that thinks that Al Golden doesn't know where he's going to be or what he will be doing in5 years, hasn't been paying attention. He's such a planful, goal-oriented guy, I'd find it hard to believe he doesn't have it worked out in his head.
This. He will leave us eventually, but it will be for an NFL job.

And lulz at the idea of Golden leaving for USC. I've never understood why so many in the sports media put that job on a pedestal.
But, but, but that guy is a good writer guys, the media isn't biased against UM...

How do you conclude that the writer is biased against UM? He's praising our coach as the right guy who led us through a very difficult time at UM.

And it certainly would not be surprising that USC and UT will be interested in him. While it's debateable whether USC and UT "are two of the biggest [college football] jobs in America" as he asserts, that assertion is not anti-Miami.

People on here read-in all sorts of nefarious intentions from the comments and articles of sportscasters and writers.
If you put a gun to my head and make me guess....I'd say we'll get another 5 outstanding years from Golden, then he moves on to the NFL.

I hope I'm wrong, but he seems like such a goal oriented guy that I find it hard to believe he'll ever be satisfied or allow himself to get comfortable. A guy like that will always want more, and so he should.

God bless that dude....he helped us escape from dark times.

He's stated before that he's a college guy and has no interest in the NFL.

We'll see how that holds up.

I must have missed that comment but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. I said before I think his success-driven attitude could pull him to the NFL but really, he's a perfect fit for college.He's going to end up going down as one of the most important men in the history of this program.

Golden will command upwards of $7 million/yr in the NFL. While i'm not privy to UM's finances, that doesn't sound like a salary we can compete with.

The high salary and the challenge of winning on the biggest stage are big draws for successful type-A college coaches, as evidenced by Howard, Jimmy, Butch, and Dennis leaving UM.

I hope he stays forever, but I wouldn't bank on it.
If you put a gun to my head and make me guess....I'd say we'll get another 5 outstanding years from Golden, then he moves on to the NFL.

I hope I'm wrong, but he seems like such a goal oriented guy that I find it hard to believe he'll ever be satisfied or allow himself to get comfortable. A guy like that will always want more, and so he should.

God bless that dude....he helped us escape from dark times.

He's stated before that he's a college guy and has no interest in the NFL.

We'll see how that holds up.

I must have missed that comment but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. I said before I think his success-driven attitude could pull him to the NFL but really, he's a perfect fit for college.He's going to end up going down as one of the most important men in the history of this program.

Golden will command upwards of $7 million/yr in the NFL. While i'm not privy to UM's finances, that doesn't sound like a salary we can compete with.

The high salary and the challenge of winning on the biggest stage are big draws for successful type-A college coaches, as evidenced by Howard, Jimmy, Butch, and Dennis leaving UM.

I hope he stays forever, but I wouldn't bank on it.

No doubt man, no doubt. Sure we can pay him a healthy sum, but if an NFL truly wanted him, there isn't anything we could do financially to stop it.

Same time though, if you have a lucrative, more secure job that you really you automatically leave for more money?

Regardless of how that scenario ends, it just feels good to have this debate in the first place. Been a while.
If you put a gun to my head and make me guess....I'd say we'll get another 5 outstanding years from Golden, then he moves on to the NFL.

I hope I'm wrong, but he seems like such a goal oriented guy that I find it hard to believe he'll ever be satisfied or allow himself to get comfortable. A guy like that will always want more, and so he should.

God bless that dude....he helped us escape from dark times.

He's stated before that he's a college guy and has no interest in the NFL.

We'll see how that holds up.

I must have missed that comment but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. I said before I think his success-driven attitude could pull him to the NFL but really, he's a perfect fit for college.He's going to end up going down as one of the most important men in the history of this program.

Golden will command upwards of $7 million/yr in the NFL. While i'm not privy to UM's finances, that doesn't sound like a salary we can compete with.

The high salary and the challenge of winning on the biggest stage are big draws for successful type-A college coaches, as evidenced by Howard, Jimmy, Butch, and Dennis leaving UM.

I hope he stays forever, but I wouldn't bank on it.

No doubt man, no doubt. Sure we can pay him a healthy sum, but if an NFL truly wanted him, there isn't anything we could do financially to stop it.

Same time though, if you have a lucrative, more secure job that you really you automatically leave for more money?

Regardless of how that scenario ends, it just feels good to have this debate in the first place. Been a while.

You don't leave for more money, you leave for a dream job. He called the U a destination job about 10 times in his initial presser. The only way he leaves to the NFL is if it's a big time franchise that comes calling.

I hope he decides he loves South Florida too much to ever leave, it seems that his wife loves South Florida and would have a big say in any job offers.
But, but, but that guy is a good writer guys, the media isn't biased against UM...

How do you conclude that the writer is biased against UM? He's praising our coach as the right guy who led us through a very difficult time at UM.

And it certainly would not be surprising that USC and UT will be interested in him. While it's debateable whether USC and UT "are two of the biggest [college football] jobs in America" as he asserts, that assertion is not anti-Miami.

People on here read-in all sorts of nefarious intentions from the comments and articles of sportscasters and writers.

On the very day this seemingly never ending crapstorm finally goes the way of the dodo bird, this human paraquat sees fit to suggest that Golden Al should parlay his stewardship through the storm into another job where he would be starting all over.
Never mind all the work he put in here to get us to this point, never mind that we still haven't reached the apex and enjoyed the fruits of that labor.
No, he should leave with the job half done and start another rebuilding project because that makes sooo much sense.
But you're right he's not anti Miami he just wants our coach, who everyone is starting to covet, to leave us high and dry like the other snake oil salesmen in CFB. :ohlord:
Ever since Al got here the media has been trying to link him to other jobs because it makes them uneasy to have such a competent coach at such a threatening program.
The Don has been eating saltines for 3 years. Yesterday, with the toothless "sanctions" coming down, Mario Batali put a giant bowl of rigatoni bolognese with a big chunk of parmaggiano reggiano fresh off the wheel in front of him. You think he's going to excuse himself from Mario's chef table to get into another fcked up situation and start from scratch with his saltines again? Fck outta here.

I'm ******* starving after reading this
I'm tired of writers referring to other programs as "traditional powers" like Miami is not on their level. **** all that noise, MIAMI is a national power.
So if teams like Tennessee were interested and he stayed not being interestDURING the ncaa crap why would he when it's all over and things are starting to look up?

I agree he likes SoFla and the kids and talent obviously. Kids struggle down here and he loves getting kids on track to success.

Cane for five years at least imo
- Miami couldn't do any better that Al Golden, they're done.
- Miami's going to get the death penalty, theyre done.
- You don't want to go to Miami, they're done
- Golden is too good for Miami, he'll leave

what will they think of next?
This scandal was the best and worst thing to ever happen to Golden