In order to provide some distraction from the waiting for official announcements to ponder the future of the competitive world of college football. I have chosen to cast i in terms of World War II analogies. Seeing the Saban is 70, Cristobal is 51, Dabo is 52, and Riley is 39. A new world order is set to emerge.
MIAMI is the United States. Having a long standing reputation, it is now being led by Cristobal, our Eisenhower, a tall, organized, relentless leader of men. He will hire his own Patton and Nimitz to direct effective force on all fronts.
CLEMSON is Germany. Led by an excitable egomaniac, they must rebuild a decimated country after earlier conflicts. Will they be able to do it in face of insurmountable forces on all sides?
ALABAMA is Russia. Led by a Stalin like leader, Nick Saban, a stern, pragmatic, general who devotes everything to the battle. He is an aging leader and the question is will they be as strong once his leadership passes from the scene and they must rely upon his protoges.
USC is Japan. Known for its surprise aerial attacks and led by a stoic Lincoln Riley. Will they be able to strengthen their forces after necessary resources have been denied them by outside countries?
MICHIGAN AND OSU are Canada and Great Britain. They are generally allies. Michigan is envious of Ohio State because it seems that OSU still considers Michigan to be a member of its Commonwealth.
LSU is Italy, who conquered Ethiopia in World War II but had its butt kicked shortly thereafter. Let's hope Kelly's exit from LSU is only figuratively similar to that of Mussolini.
GEORGIA is France. They enter every battle and war but never win.
FLORIDA is Yugoslavia, a country cobbled together from 5 or 6 warring factions. Temporarily held together by a strong leader, it falls apart and the factions undertake open conflict., but not before producing the Yugo (aka the Florida offense).
Ironic that Mario was named coach on Pearl Harbor Day. As a veteran, God bless our veterans and forgive this analogy. But as of yesterday, a state of football war has existed between Miami and its adversaries.