The banner is flying today boys!!!!!!!!

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This is Miami. 5x National champ. Not some bull**** school.

Win or GTFO.

It’s year 3 and we are tending down.

Like Michigan last year? Everyone thinks because Stoops, Tressel and Chizik did it in their second year, they think everyone else can do it instead of realizing they are the exception. The don't look at the situation and it looks like we might have overachieved last year. These same morons are the ones saying we got lucky against FSU and Ga Tech last year, but now are complaining about reality. This program was neglected for a while. We all got excited last year, but we still got work to do.
Rough crowd.
That is bull****. The banner is not flying. I have seen nothing, but slurpers crying about the banner and posters joking about it. No one taking any leadership. No Gofundme. Nothing and I have been looking. However, we need to get this banner campaign started ASAP.
If the banner has the same effect on CMR as it did with Butch, then by all means. But no, it would be embarrassing and look how stoopid Butch made that banner look a few years later.
Good. I want Richt to make the banner look stupid. I want Richt to prove me wrong.
That is bull****. The banner is not flying. I have seen nothing, but slurpers crying about the banner and posters joking about it. No one taking any leadership. No Gofundme. Nothing and I have been looking. However, we need to get this banner campaign started ASAP.

If we drop one or two more the way we’ve dropped the last 2, expect one for Pitt begging for an OC

Not today
That is bull****. The banner is not flying. I have seen nothing, but slurpers crying about the banner and posters joking about it. No one taking any leadership. No Gofundme. Nothing and I have been looking. However, we need to get this banner campaign started ASAP.

Just when I think you can't possibly post anything dumber, you prove me wrong.
If we drop one or two more the way we’ve dropped the last 2, expect one for Pitt begging for an OC

Not today

I have been hearing rumblings of one since the UVA fiasco. Sadly, I do not expect a banner flown this year. Especially with Duke being one of the weakest coastal teams this year. We will probably end up winning this game.
I’m sure if I hung out on other teams message boards the hyperbole and exaggeration is just as rampant... but I don’t, and this is dumb
Exactly.... I'm sure other fan bases are as ****** as ours is sometimes... This is ******* ridiculous
It doesnt look good for the program but neither does Richt with what he has done with his decisions and choices. I guess people are tired and want everyone to know that it's unacceptable. I'm not arguing with banner people in defense of Richt.

Whatever happens... happens at this point. People have had it and i don't blame them for being mad. I'm mad too. Richt knows better. He just refuses to do what he should do to win.
Lmao he been here 2.5 years and had us ranked top 2 in year 2😂😂 y’all a trip man. Last coach who fired *** he picked early was’d that work out...But fr it toooo early to tear it down..and then start over with..who?? Tweaks on offense need to be made rather internally or bringing in someone
Maybe, but the last three coach hires - for certain - they didn't end well, either.

It's been a dumpster fire.
I'm not disagreeing on that or that we're being corched now. Neither a banner flying on this date saying fire Richt nor Richt continuing to unilaterally do the things complained about ends well. I'm not looking to be fighting Canes over it. I'm honestly just exhausted from going from corch to corch. He served a stabilizing purpose but i dont see him going beyond that unless he does a miraculous 180 at the end of the season... And at this point we are regressing.
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