The Bank (7/6)

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Yea the game he took me to was Kirby Freeman's 1/14 game orbsome crap like that.

What an experience lol. I sometimes question why I like UM.

1st game I watch: UM v LSU bowl game 2004. We lose 40-3.

1st game I go to: Kirby Freeman trash performance vs NC St

My bday, last game of the OB: We get crushed a billion to zero versus Virginia.

So much disappointment throughout the years. I clearly like pain.
Paul and Ray are all around great people.
Yes. Similar to what's been put out. This is why we hired Rad. We knew the future was approaching fast and we needed a captain to navigate.
We’ve would have been set back 100 years with Flake James at the helm
More confident in Aguirre after speaking with some people yesterday. Cane as of today. Bryant is still going through the process but wants to be a Cane.
Great update on both…if Bryant wants to be a Cane, I see no reason he shouldn’t…but with an Orlando guy, who knows what’s going on.
Jayden Wayne is committing on Saturday, not Friday.

Good post, D. I haven't heard buzz about Miami like this nationally in a LONG time. Ultimately, the Saturday's in the fall are what will tell the story. But you position yourself for success on those during every other day of the year. And Mario is doing that, to say the absolute least. 6 months in, and this guy has flipped just about everything we've known for many, many years completely on its head. Hats off to the staff and everyone involved. The max effort has been crystal clear. Getting them to sign on the line which is dotted will be key in December and February, but if you'd have told me in January that we'd sign a class at 300+ on the composite, I'd have said you were crazy. And this is coming from a guy who has been SCREAMING for Mario Cristobal to be the coach here for many years, as I feel his recruiting prowess in this talent hotbed would be limitless, but even I couldn't envision this as quickly as it's happened. In 6 months I've gone from saying you're nuts for thinking we're getting to 300 to now telling you that 300 is the floor. This dude is a total cyborg. What a fun and exciting time to be a Hurricane, and those of us to be old enough to have truly lived every minute of the last ~18 years deserve this.
Oh yeah ima enjoy this, my dad and uncles are big Cane fans, my dad has been a cane fan since the 70’s so he saw it built, I started watching football right before the Butch era saw it be rebuilt, my son is now 13 huge cane fan about to see it rebuilt.

I feel like 3/6 is the floor here which is insane. If we can get to 4/6? In the ACC? With a real coaching staff? And S&C/Nutrition team? Wtf! Hahaha
Which 3 you think we get, I see us getting 2
Of course. I love the state of Oregon, but it is not football country and it is not a place many football players want to live.
I live in Dundee Hills, Oregon and I see A LOT of NBA players here. Not so many football players, but I’ve seen more than a few. This area is known as “Wine Country” here in Oregon.

There’s a spot in town called Red Hills Market where I have coffee, business meetings or just to hangout. There are celebrities and professional athletes in there all the time. ****, just the other day I was having lunch and watched Terry Bradshaw get out of a limousine to check out the local hotspot.

You fellas with wives and significant others can’t go wrong taking a trip here in Wine Country.
I was saying this in another thread, word I got from @TheCribMedia was that Antione Jackson's commitment set a tone for a lot of 2024 kids. That was a big deal.

I'm also extremely impressed with the national recruiting. These are highly ranked kids from all over the country.

I've always believed Mario could be a more deadly recruiter at Miami than he ever was at Oregon.
Coral Gables is a lot easier to sell than Eugene.

I've heard (from two separate people with inside knowledge) that Mario is an absolute savage. He will chew his staff out if they are not recruiting their *** off first fvckin' thing in the morning. They say he's difficult to work for. His grind is on another level. But hey 🤷🏻‍♂️...

They say the same things about Saban.

The more I'm around the program, and the more I hear inside scoops, the more I think we are about to build a dynasty. 🤞🏻
Need coach macho on the staff soon along with @Liberty City El and @gogeta4 we landing everyone