The Bank (6/26)


Is Franklin viewed as a true DT, or a bit of a hybrid, Mesidor-esque role?
90% of you guys won't remember pre-internet days. Back then The Sporting News would send out a newspaper with updates on top recruits. We really had no clue who we were getting until signing day before Grassy started up (in 1998? can't remember as I wasn't an active member until it had moved over to Canestime). We just had to close our eyes and pray Howard, JJ, Dennis and Butch knew what they were doing.

I may just go back to the pre-social media times and pick my head up from the sand in December. Mario's got this. Oh we got that 5 star stone cold killer at DE over there, and that freakizoid big ugly from Germany over here? That's nice. When's the FSU game? Go Canes!
I remember way back in the day(mid to late 90's)In Orlando, Bill Buchalter had a recruiting line you could call. It was a pay line that would automatically charge you. I used to call that line all through the 90's. Back when Butch had that 12 man class with QB Steve Kelly from Burleston Texas and Rod Mack, Damione Lewis, Jevon Rhodes, Eric Shnupp, Ben West, Edgerrin James, Tavokius Bonner, Quincy Hipps etc...
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