The Bank (4/3)

You think he could lift Desmond Fatson? @TheOriginalCane


Fatson reminds me of an old X-Men villain from the old days. His name was Fred J. Dukes, but he was better known as The Blob. Professor X tried to convince him to join The X-Men, but he went with Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants instead.

His main superpower was his mass. He could not be moved or lifted.

"The Blob's elastic, blubbery skin is difficult to penetrate by gunfire, missiles, and even Wolverine's claws, though with sufficient force and a favorable angle, the claws can lacerate his flesh."

"He could also alter his personal mono-directional gravity field beneath himself to make himself virtually immovable as long as he was in contact with the ground, although an incredible force can uproot him, along with a chunk of whatever he is standing on. The only beings on record to have been able to move the Blob against his wishes are the Hulk, Juggernaut, and Strong Guy (powered-up near his limit by absorbing kinetic energy), although Colossus has managed to lift Dukes by digging underground and raising the piece of earth Dukes stands on, stating this as an exception to his immovability. Magneto once was able to move the Blob by lifting the ground under the Blob's feet via metal pipes."

That's as a JR and having to "pause" for competitive lifting. I am almost certain his bench is in the 475 - 495 range by now.

*For those who have never competitive lifted, when you "pause" you bring the weight down to your chest and pause for a second stoping all momentum and then lifting it. A regular bench press the person is "bouncing" the weight off of his chest allowing the momentum to carry the weight. If he was to "bounce" the weight off of his chest he could easily add another 30 mounds to his max putting him around 455 as a JR in high school.

This kid is next level strong and with has crazy athleticism, I fully expect him to be the best DT in this class. He played 4 sports in high school and pretty much dominated at all of them.

1. Two way starter in football, played TE while being one of the top DT's in the nation
2. On his way to becoming a two time weightlifting state champion, making him one of if not the strongest high school kid in Florida
3. Starter on high school basketball team
4. Placed 4th in the state at discuss his first year every attempting the sport (This is directly linked to power and explosiveness)

Just watch the tape, the kid is running corner routs at 285 lol unreal. Looks a lot like Jalen Carter.
Aaron Donald once said he benches 500 and DK was sitting right next to him in shock.

Thats just crazy 😭
Artavius Jones is now up to 305 and he will be more than strong enough to provide some depth this season. He is on his way to becoming back to back Florida weightlifting state champion.

As a Jr he posted a total of 725 at the state championship (420 Bench and 305 Clean and Jerk)

He recently posted a total of 765, 40 pounds more than his state championship total.

This kid could easily step on this team and instantly be one of the strongest players on the team as a true freshman.

My favorite player from last years class

You just do not see this type of strength and athleticism combo from a kid this size
Artavius Jones is now up to 305 and he will be more than strong enough to provide some depth this season. He is on his way to becoming back to back Florida weightlifting state champion.

As a Jr he posted a total of 725 at the state championship (420 Bench and 305 Clean and Jerk)

He recently posted a total of 765, 40 pounds more than his state championship total.

This kid could easily step on this team and instantly be one of the strongest players on the team as a true freshman.

he’s got all to be the best DT in Coral Gables in a long time. What a find by the staff and from FSPOO area.

The 24 class has some epic talent
Artavius Jones is now up to 305 and he will be more than strong enough to provide some depth this season. He is on his way to becoming back to back Florida weightlifting state champion.

As a Jr he posted a total of 725 at the state championship (420 Bench and 305 Clean and Jerk)

He recently posted a total of 765, 40 pounds more than his state championship total.

This kid could easily step on this team and instantly be one of the strongest players on the team as a true freshman.

Rivaling Logan Sagapolu and Marley Cook


sarcastically moping
Facts Hayes was my favorite, we hadnt had a LB just look like him probably ever. Probably Armbrister but he was a jag
Aye man chill lol Armbrister was a stud! He had 9TFLs and 6 sacks his senior year with Donofrio as his DC. That translates to 16 TFLs and 10 sacks when you adjust for **** scheme.

It became clear once he made it to the league that we didn’t use him to full potential (shocking).
I’m still surprised that a white TE from Indiana has serious interest in UM, and that our battle is with OSU and not ND. This young man must hate ND because having known a lot of Indiana kids, most dream of playing football at ND, and especially the white kids. And he plays a position, TE, at which ND has historically been very strong.
C'mon now.

Fatson reminds me of an old X-Men villain from the old days. His name was Fred J. Dukes, but he was better known as The Blob. Professor X tried to convince him to join The X-Men, but he went with Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants instead.

His main superpower was his mass. He could not be moved or lifted.

"The Blob's elastic, blubbery skin is difficult to penetrate by gunfire, missiles, and even Wolverine's claws, though with sufficient force and a favorable angle, the claws can lacerate his flesh."

"He could also alter his personal mono-directional gravity field beneath himself to make himself virtually immovable as long as he was in contact with the ground, although an incredible force can uproot him, along with a chunk of whatever he is standing on. The only beings on record to have been able to move the Blob against his wishes are the Hulk, Juggernaut, and Strong Guy (powered-up near his limit by absorbing kinetic energy), although Colossus has managed to lift Dukes by digging underground and raising the piece of earth Dukes stands on, stating this as an exception to his immovability. Magneto once was able to move the Blob by lifting the ground under the Blob's feet via metal pipes."
Nice X Men trivia. I remember the “Unstoppable Force” of Juggernaut against the “Immovable Object” of Blob.
Overall I’d say yes. Rousseau played one year and it wasn’t with Phillips or Roche.

Roche & Phillips played one year without Rousseau. The overall talent of the group as a whole in 2024 should be better than anything Manny had collectively.
I think we'll have to see if Mesidor can stay healthy. He's for sure talented but comparing him to those three, he has big shoes to fill there.

Bain too but I think he will definitely be in that tier of the next Rousseau or Phillips as far as production in college and then being drafted in the 1st round.