I think people likely fall into one or more of the following when expressing concerns:
1. The class may be high overall, but it is currently light on positions where we are thin
2. If you sort by average (instead of total points) the class is 19th (not to say that volume isn't important, but quality is just as much if not more so)
3. Most believe that the only way Mario is going to overcome his gameday faults is with overwhelming talent and this class isn't shaping up to be that (at least not so far and you seem to agree)
4. Mopers gonna Mope
Personally I think there are some legitimate concerns, but (like usual) it is not all or nothing. I don't believe Miami is where they should be in recruiting compared to where Mario should have them at this point but I don't think they are in 'the world is ending territory' either. Probably going to be another year of underachieving and here's to hoping that doesn't get us stuck in neutral going forward.