The Bank (11/17)

“Squish” with a message board post? You wouldn’t do a **** thing if you saw me in person. I promise that. Stop pretending man.

You’re a nobody outside of this message board. Problem is you attach any and all worth to this persona you created on here. Outside of it you’re irrelevant.

And before you try and be a smart *** again and say what does that make me? I don’t try pretending I’m something I’m not. Major difference.

Bro, go pop a xanax and enjoy your Thursday. It’s a message board.

I legit thought that one of his previous screen names would have been dannyboycane.
This thread reminds me of The Lounge.
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Clearly I hit a nerve. There must be enough truth in what I said to trigger those insecurities and get him to try and snap. Again he has a lot of people fooled on here. That’s fine if you all wanna follow his fake persona on here.
Don't we all have fake personas online?

I mean I'm not even English.
I feel great in front of the camera. Why wouldn't I?

Conversely, aren't you the guy who changed his screen name twice? The first time because Peter Ariz was bullying you, the second time because your name was a slurping tribute to Manny.

Stop chirping, sport.

This is fantastic…******* fantastic
You got good lines man. Thankfully I don’t have your insecurities that make me compelled to prove my track record.

We can talk about that if you really want. Doesn’t have to be in this thread so as not to keep the circus going. You let me know.

Dude seriously, calm down. Reevaluate. Also, you’re really bad at this.