Thank you Butch Davis

Butch got 6 1st rounders in one round with sanction clouds and the team being in the Big East.

Saban got 6 1st rounders in one round by being the SEC’s darling and going down the 247 list and offering homes and Dodge Challengers to the first 25 names he saw.

I’m not even the biggest Butch guy but Butch is the 🐐 evaluator.

I know mfers is salty he left.

I know football has changed.

I know he is well passed his prime and on cruise control at a fbs bottom feeder.

Still, the disrespect of Butch’s resume and what he did here is baffling to me.

That “He hasn’t won any titles” spiel is utter garbage. What he did here goes without saying.

What he did at UNC was nearly as remarkable. 3-9 and 4-8 the two years before he got there. 4-8, 8-5, 8-5. Stacks a depleted roster at a deplorable basketball school and right when he is about to turn them to a 10 win team, gets hit with mass suspensions from a scandal that had nothing to do with him. Goes 8-5 again and gets scapegoated.

Saban and Meyer cherry pick sleeping giants. Dabo just had to get Clemson over the FSU and big game hump. Those guys are great but they are NOT program builders. Butch always took on difficult rebuilds, not talented but poorly coached blue bloods like the other premiere coaches.

Butch is the God and I’m sad to say Manny’s stepdad. Mack Brown is the one Manny has to call Pa right now. Hopefully Manny goes full Luke Skywalker on Mack and thrashes his father Return Of The Jedi style.

Butch is the Gawd. Save the blasphemy for the turds, holes, and domers.

Notice the tear in Butch's eye after getting monkey stomped at the ROCK!!! LOL
I know mfers is salty he left.

I know football has changed.

I know he is well passed his prime and on cruise control at a fbs bottom feeder.

Still, the disrespect of Butch’s resume and what he did here is baffling to me.

That “He hasn’t won any titles” spiel is utter garbage. What he did here goes without saying.

What he did at UNC was nearly as remarkable. 3-9 and 4-8 the two years before he got there. 4-8, 8-5, 8-5. Stacks a depleted roster at a deplorable basketball school and right when he is about to turn them to a 10 win team, gets hit with mass suspensions from a scandal that had nothing to do with him. Goes 8-5 again and gets scapegoated.

Saban and Meyer cherry pick sleeping giants. Dabo just had to get Clemson over the FSU and big game hump. Those guys are great but they are NOT program builders. Butch always took on difficult rebuilds, not talented but poorly coached blue bloods like the other premiere coaches.

Butch is the God and I’m sad to say Manny’s stepdad. Mack Brown is the one Manny has to call Pa right now. Hopefully Manny goes full Luke Skywalker on Mack and thrashes his father Return Of The Jedi style.

Butch is the Gawd. Save the blasphemy for the turds, holes, and domers.
Jesus H Christ....I couldn't have said it better......."You're Hired"
do y'all think we could hire Butch to simply walk around practice? that way he's there and part of the program ... and i mean whatever
For someone that hasn't done anything since he left Miami Butch's fandom is kind of cult like.

I think most folks are looking at this wrong.

There are coaches who are perfect for a particular school. The schools excels with this matched coach.

Schnellenberger and UM were a match. Schnelly didn't do jack **** after he left UM. Dennis Erickson didn't do jack **** after he left UM.

Only JJ did - and Butch was JJ's right hand man - at UM in evaluating and recruiting - and was JJ's DCoordinator at Dallas - and won some Super Bowls before returning to UM and again - a perfect match. LIghtning in a bottle

One without the other - lost.

UNC has been doing alright with their Head Coach - sure been kicking our asses - but he wasn't a match to Texas.

Even the mighty Saban went to the NFL and fell flat on his ***. So did some other top names. Saban at Alabama - with every advantage - does less with more.
I’d say longer... we would have cruising in the ACC with him and most assuredly never let Clemson rise to the level they are now or let FSU horde the talent they did in 2013.

would we have been as dominate as that early 00s stretch? Maybe not but we be perennial 10 win team with nice seasons (maybe a natty or two) think OSU of the big ten.
The NFL was calling by 2000. They certainly would have kept calling, especially if Butch was on a NC collection run. He’d been there before, on Super Bowl winning staffs, and sooner or later the challenge of winning a Super Bowl as a head coach wins.

Same as Carroll at USC. Same as Saban after winning a NC at LSU.
The notion that Butch's success would have continued at the level it was after he left is pretty myopic. Once the internet took hold and recruiting sites became what they are now, he would still be competing for all the talent he was able to cherry-pick due to less eyeballs on them. While he recruited well at UNC, he wasn't exactly super successful in terms of wins and losses.

There's no huge coincidence that Miami started slipping as a program at the same time the internet became viable and we started really having to compete for the guys in our back yard.
I have to disagree with you. Success breeds success and Butch hadn’t even put his best classes together yet. What he did while under sanctions was beyond ridiculous. He built the foundation that had kids lining up to come here. ****, just look at all of the gems that came knocking on our door to be Canes and were turned away by all of our various experiments as head coaches. All Butch had to do was continue to evaluate and develop inside the wall he built around SoFla while grabbing a few from outside. The wall that was quickly torn down after he left that led to the exodus of kids that we have to the SEC today. If Butch stays, Saban doesn’t get Cooper, which I believe was the creation of the Bama/SoFla pipeline. Without those SoFla kids he doesn’t win those ships. Meanwhile, we continue to stack ours. I could go on all day but it is what it is in the end.
If you are going to jerk off to someone that hasn’t been relevant in 20 years the Baywatch cast is way more attractive...
Bruh have you seen my avatar? I don’t jerk off like some pedo when news breaks that some kid or coach is coming to the U. My girl takes care of all my needs.
OP is @caneinorlando burner account. He’s like Kevin Durant. Great poster and member but can be super sensitive and loves to clap back using variety of methods. Including but not narrowed to multiple burner accounts, old photos, great insults and the team chaplain of the Butch was the GOAT squad
Nah bruh I’m an OG from the beginning of Grassy. I even gave up the name of the site I was creating on my own to Grassy that was used for a short time because I saw that he had already created a decent site ahead of me.
Well, no. Butch left after the 2000 season, which means his last guys were there in 2005. Any 'Cane fan who knows anything will tell you things "started slipping" with the bad loss to Tennessee in the Orange Bowl. Miami couldn't play offense worth a **** and the defense won them games they wouldn't have won without the studs across the board on that side of the ball. The QB room in particular was a disaster after Dorsey left, and Dorsey was the only decent QB he managed to recruit.

If "Butch's kids" were so great, it stands to reason they 1) should have had more success under Coker, and 2) should have had more success in the NFL.

He also wasn't able to replicate that success anywhere else. So, those are facts.

I'm not trying to negate what he was able to do, but you're living in a fantasy world if you think he would have had no trouble sustaining it.
Coker could just not recruit at key positions. Literally. As in he could not get quarterbacks to sign with Miami. Nor wide receivers. And I am not saying bad recruits. I mean no recruits. Losing recruits to Syracuse, for instance.

We had three available wide receivers by midpoint of the 2006 season, of the just six on roster. We had two quarterbacks, after Coker failed for two straight years to land a QB. In fact, he only signed two blue chip quarterbacks in his five years. How does that even happen?!
As a Cane die-hard, I'm grateful everyday for Butch to have assembled the greatest team in the history of the sport. Hands down. And for that, he will always have my appreciation. the original OP:

1) Saban is afraid of no one. Not Urban. Not Dabo. And certainly not Butch Davis.

2) What exactly has Butch done since he left the Canes to suggest he would still be elite here - or anywhere - in 2021? The last time he recruited and developed talent at an elite level, cassettes were still a thing.

In 14 seasons as a HC, Butch has exactly one - ONE - season of double-digit wins.

God bless the man and thanks again for being the perfect dude - AT THAT TIME - to navigate the Canes out of sanctions and into the greatest team of all time. But for the love of God - it's time to move on and let it go...
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