Thank god I woke up early. (twice!)

@Cribby speaking as a non-insider and as a long time fan from afar (born & raised in Boston), I appreciate the info you guys provide because doing so obviously comes at a price. Whether that price is dealing with the long line of haters or the seemingly cringeworthy worship that occurs time and time again... just know that most of us appreciate the info during the good times and the bad

@Cribby speaking as a non-insider and as a long time fan from afar (born & raised in Boston), I appreciate the info you guys provide because doing so obviously comes at a price. Whether that price is dealing with the long line of haters or the seemingly cringeworthy worship that occurs time and time again... just know that most of us appreciate the info during the good times and the bad
I don’t want either. A Pm as a thanks is more than enough.
**** am I the only one who kept receipts before it got nuked?

I support cribby, I just wanted the screenshot so I could rub it in people's faces lol
**** I guess I'll have to wait for the good news because I missed all hints.
Wait until we find out that @Cribby and John Ruiz are business partners. All this "attention seeking" is just a method to promote themselves and somehow their new venture.


There's a segment (thankfully fairly small) of our fanbase that hates good info and free money.
I just did a breakdown of the potential staff, I gave a couple hints on each one and the quality of the hire. It wasn’t anything crazy. I just wasn’t comfortable with some of the info, I also wanted to be respectful of those coaches not knowing if they’d be retained or not. Some are waiting on a definite answer.

Its not all cemented but some of the names I mentioned are in, the rest are still working some things out.
I didn’t understand all of the references to the candidates in the post but the biggest takeaway is that there a plan for everything and it is being executed well. The program is finally in good hands.