TerrEnce not TerrAnce Lewis 1.0 - 5.0 (merged) - Picks Maryland

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Which one of the hats would fit on his head. That Miami hat looks way too tight to fit. But that Maryland hat is already fitted. 🥸

interesting that Bandas decision is the cog in the wheel. It tells me Manny is keeping Banda if Banda doesn’t go to Utah St. not sure how Bandas decision impacts Rumph or Stroud moving off the field.

I can see Banda impacting Bakers decision. If Banda stays then he could move on from Baker and bring in someone else to Co-cord with Banda.

still not sure how all this is waiting on Banda. Oh well we will learn soon enough
I don’t think he’s making Banda our DC or it would’ve happened. If he’s getting rid of Baker I don’t think he wants it to look like Banda is being passed over. If Baker is staying, and Rumph going, I think he needs to know if he’s bringing in a CB coach only - if Banda stays or a coach who handles all DB’s.
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Because there’s a good chance that what’s going on or not with Banda and Utah State is holding a number of decisions up.
At a certain point Manny needs to do what’s best for Miami, not what’s best for Banda or Utah State. And at this point both of those sides have had plenty of time to get their ducks in a row to announce he is going there or he isn’t. It is preposterous to allow himself to be taken hostage by Bamda’s timeline like BJ was by his.
interesting that Bandas decision is the cog in the wheel. It tells me Manny is keeping Banda if Banda doesn’t go to Utah St. not sure how Bandas decision impacts Rumph or Stroud moving off the field.

I can see Banda impacting Bakers decision. If Banda stays then he could move on from Baker and bring in someone else to Co-cord with Banda.

still not sure how all this is waiting on Banda. Oh well we will learn soon enough
Stop with the Co Cord bull**** bring in a proven DC please Jesus Christ manny stop being a ******* CUCK
At a certain point Manny needs to do what’s best for Miami, not what’s best for Banda or Utah State. And at this point both of those sides have had plenty of time to get their ducks in a row to announce he is going there or he isn’t. It is preposterous to allow himself to be taken hostage by Bamda’s timeline like BJ was by his.
I agree but if Banda hasn’t resigned he may be waiting bc he wants one coach for both positions.
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