Terrence Lewis decommits

Why **** on the young man?

What's his other options? It was likely that or some step down at who knows where. Maybe it's the streets or a service counter near you.

I'm not feeling all sentimental for the guy, he's right where he is because of his actions. Who knows, maybe a the light turned on and he's seen it. I don't know, but Garden City has had some success at sending players to the next level.

It isn't the first choice for anyone, but compared to the alternatives, it's something one should be grateful for. It's another chance at an education and maybe more.

Keeping it a bean, even if you say/implying that @TheOriginalCane was being “petty” with his comment, and i know he wasn’t trying to be, it isn’t as if there isn’t merit to it if he indeed was trying to be petty. T2 is where he is at because of HIS choices. And i know we’re in an era where it’s damm near taboo to point the finger at a teenager for bad decisions but at some point…the gloves come off. He KNOWINGLY made bad decisions and he gotta eat that.

We all hope for the best and that he has learned and can make the best out of it, but I mean he SHOULD be at a top flight P5 school entering his money year but because he thought shtt was sweet, here we are…

Keeping it a bean, even if you say/implying that @TheOriginalCane was being “petty” with his comment, and i know he wasn’t trying to be, it isn’t as if there isn’t merit to it if he indeed was trying to be petty. T2 is where he is at because of HIS choices. And i know we’re in an era where it’s damm near taboo to point the finger at a teenager for bad decisions but at some point…the gloves come off. He KNOWINGLY made bad decisions and he gotta eat that.

We all hope for the best and that he has learned and can make the best out of it, but I mean he SHOULD be at a top flight P5 school entering his money year but because he thought shtt was sweet, here we are…

It's all good, brother.

The guy just has personal animus towards me for prior verbal spankings that I've administered.

Yes, I did think it was funny that T2 is giving all kinds of praise to God for "Garden City". Feel free to insert the Allen Iverson "Practice?" GIF here.

But I also hope the kid gets his life together and succeeds. ****, I'm still rooting for Willie Williams. I'm not ****ting on ANY kid, but I can certainly observe the "fall from grace" that comes from having to attend "Garden City". And observe him being happy about it.
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Keeping it a bean, even if you say/implying that @TheOriginalCane was being “petty” with his comment, and i know he wasn’t trying to be, it isn’t as if there isn’t merit to it if he indeed was trying to be petty. T2 is where he is at because of HIS choices. And i know we’re in an era where it’s damm near taboo to point the finger at a teenager for bad decisions but at some point…the gloves come off. He KNOWINGLY made bad decisions and he gotta eat that.

We all hope for the best and that he has learned and can make the best out of it, but I mean he SHOULD be at a top flight P5 school entering his money year but because he thought shtt was sweet, here we are…

Well, I did say it was due to his own decisions, etc. Of course he's gotta own it and that message from him is a step in that direction. It's all good though.

Oh my, spankings that guy said. Please. With the kindest of regards, f you generally think people are ********, the odds aren't it isn't everyone else, it's you. If one is happy to any degree about a fall from grace, it's pretty silly to say in the same breath that they hope they get their life together and succeed.

So there's your answer about him being petty.
Everybody ready for the weekend?

Eventually, he just won't be able to continue school due to: 1) academic ineligibility; 2) exhausted eligibility timeframe; 3) leaves program of his own volition; 4) is kicked out of the program; or 5) some combination of 1-4.

This dude is going nowhere in life.
He isn't going nowhere in life because he isn't playing football anymore? That's a little extreme
Jaelen Phillips looked like a twig before getting back on a S&C program, too. Lewis can theoretically still achieve all his football dreams. He just hasn't shown he has the discipline to follow through.

Phillips had medically retired and was focusing on music when he was convinced to football a shot.

Lewis has been at 2 programs now 3 and there S&C programs. To me he is the dude who was biggest dude in HS but then everybody caught up.
He isn't going nowhere in life because he isn't playing football anymore? That's a little extreme
First of all, you're putting words in my mouth, and you should apologize for that. You are engaging in psychological projection.

Second, he's going nowhere in life because he can't stick anywhere. He went to at least three high schools. This is his third college program. He hasn't played a down of football in three years.

Anyone can make one mistake. Anyone can have an issue at one program. His behavior isn't an aberration; it's a patteen. It's who he is.

At some point, it's perfectly justified to say someone isn't going places. This is one of those times.
Well, I did say it was due to his own decisions, etc. Of course he's gotta own it and that message from him is a step in that direction. It's all good though.

Oh my, spankings that guy said. Please. With the kindest of regards, f you generally think people are ********, the odds aren't it isn't everyone else, it's you. If one is happy to any degree about a fall from grace, it's pretty silly to say in the same breath that they hope they get their life together and succeed.

So there's your answer about him being petty.

I don't "generally think people are ********".

I think YOU are an *******.
First of all, you're putting words in my mouth, and you should apologize for that. You are engaging in psychological projection.

Second, he's going nowhere in life because he can't stick anywhere. He went to at least three high schools. This is his third college program. He hasn't played a down of football in three years.

Anyone can make one mistake. Anyone can have an issue at one program. His behavior isn't an aberration; it's a patteen. It's who he is.

At some point, it's perfectly justified to say someone isn't going places. This is one of those times.
First off, let me say I'm not trying to get in a back and forth argument with u. I've been reading this board for over 10 years, I respect alot of your previous takes. I would never want to put words in a man's mouth, never. Just a misunderstanding of words. We good.
If anyone’s (lololol) on this board hasn’t seen “ A Bronx Tale” .
One of all time classics, true story loaded with life lessons.

This bar scene was EPIC , I can watch it all day long , especially when it goes to the streets “ remember ME I DID THIS TO YOU face to face.


“Now youz can’t leave”… epic