Terrence Lewis decommits

100% agree the victim should be in all of our thoughts. I think all of us have learned to wait to see if an accused is convicted before piling on. But we are too quick to overlook that there is someone who was injured regardless of the legal outcome, and may be in real crisis. Heart goes out to her.

I really wanted Lewis based on his play, but didn't realize what a headcase he was. Glad Manny stayed away (for the most part). Sounds like Mario knew the kid's MO and didn't even take a look. Good for him.

Kudos to both you and Joe'Cane for putting the focus on the victim first.

It's painful when talented people with great potential fail in a way that destroys their own futures. We have been programmed to think first about the "famous" person who is accused, rather than the anonymous person who was victimized.

And nobody said that the accused is 100% guilty 100% of the time. But those who act like domestic violence cases are some kind of 50-50 jumpball between the accused and the victim are just nuts.

We should never rush to judgment. But we rarely seem to rush to compassion, particularly for victims. And, hey, maybe "victims" isn't even the right word to use, it carries a stigma. Maybe "survivors" is a better word.

I hope the person involved in the T2 incident is safe and sound, and healing on a physical and emotional level. Once everything is back to some sense of normality, I pray that everyone gets the help they need, including T2.

Domestic Violence is no joke. Deep emotional trauma occurs to the victim and ppl on here 1st reaction is to say I hope he gets help. So many ppl have been trained/brainwashed to not think of the victim at all.
Don't think this was a girlfriend he hit. From reading up sounds like a family member or friend of the family he got into it with. Still, thoughts are with her, hope she's doing good. But this isn't the case of him "beating his gf" as some are trying to make it seem. Kid is clearly hot-headed tho
Too many red flags.

I told yall months ago about a run-in Lewis had with Miami PD. My buddy is a Miami cop and he was absolutely out of control with the police. They cut him slack because of who he was and some of the PD who were on the scene were MNW alum...but he was [this close] to catching an a$s whoopin' and being put in cuffs.

Combine that with the fact that Chaminade didn't want to keep him. (says a lot)
He was acting a fool on the sidelines of The Crib All Star game a few months ago as well.

I like kids with some edge. I think every football teams needs a couple. I also believe in second chances. But this kid is clearly cancerous.

We already have one kid on defense who's rumored to be an occasional pain in the a$$. The last thing we need is these 2 kids on the same sideline together.
I hope you don’t mean ALL people with a prior violent crime history will reoffend. If so, that’s ignorant af and there’s no truth to it what so ever. I volunteer at ARCHES in Salem, Oregon. I see HUNDREDS of men AND women with a prior violent crime history who’s gone on to have very productive lives. One young man is running for a local political office.
Not saying ALL.
They dropped the charges. We still want him? (sarcasm). This man is clearly a future resident of FDOC.

Charges Dropped

The truth of the world in which we live is that the number of second chances a person is granted is proportional to their talent. How easy is it for a young man with a history of violence to succeed in a zero tolerance environment, which would likely be the basic requirement for any program looking to bring him into the fold? It's a big risk to take for any school, let alone for one as closely scrutinized as our Canes.
I can tell u all, a lot of DV charges get dropped. It’s quite sad actually; my homegirl’s baby father beat her on multiple occasions, several times in front of their kids. Actually had to lay dude out once b/c he did it in front of me & it was reactionary. Each time charges were dropped; it wasn’t until he pulled a gun out on her in front of their baby boy that he finally went away, & it wasn’t for DV, it was for a felon carrying a firearm.

Charges dropped don’t mean chit in a lot of these cases. Not all, but a good amount.
I can tell u all, a lot of DV charges get dropped. It’s quite sad actually; my homegirl’s baby father beat her on multiple occasions, several times in front of their kids. Actually had to lay dude out once b/c he did it in front of me & it was reactionary. Each time charges were dropped; it wasn’t until he pulled a gun out on her in front of their baby boy that he finally went away, & it wasn’t for DV, it was for a felon carrying a firearm.

Charges dropped don’t mean chit in a lot of these cases. Not all, but a good amount.
No doubt. But clearly the Canes even got lucky with Manny's incompetence. This dude has a pattern of being a complete piece of s. I'm not sure he will even be impactful at G5 level. This was one of those "thank God for unanswered prayers" situations.