Tejada predicting a big recruiting weekend

OK, last time for the reading comp challenged.

OP --- "Cane since 1060 took time out from the Norman invasion to catch games back then" (Totally correct. Note how OP did not call it Norman Invasion with a capital "I".)

Genius response --- "I think that you meant The Battle of Normandy. There’s no such thing as the Norman Invasion." (First usage of Norman Invasion with a capital "I" was by you. By the way, which Battle of Normandy happened in 1060???)

Not-OP response --- "William the Conqueror says otherwise."

****hole response --- "That’s not called the “Norman Invasion”, it’s known as the Norman Conquest. If you’re gonna correct somebody, make sure that you are accurate with your facts." (No one called anything the "Norman Invasion" except you.)

So, you tried, and failed, to correct two people who were already correct, made an ****hole comment about being accurate with facts to someone who was already correct, and made a fool of yourself since then by not just saying "Oops. Missed that. My bad."
You’re an idiot of epic proportions. Please porst less.


Apparently the Normans
Season 5 Yes GIF by Paramount+
The Civil War was about state's rights!

GIF by @Hizliresim
Correct. It was about the Southern states rights to own slaves and prop up an agricultural economy that was so inefficient it had to rely on non-wage labor just to survive.
Imagine any business making the argument today. ‘We run such a poor business that we will lose money if we actually have to pay the people who do the work’.
**** any business can be successful if it doesn’t have to pay its labor.
Correct. It was about the Southern states rights to own slaves and prop up an agricultural economy that was so inefficient it had to rely on non-wage labor just to survive.
Imagine any business making the argument today. ‘We run such a poor business that we will lose money if we actually have to pay the people who do the work’.
**** any business can be successful if it doesn’t have to pay its labor.
Correct. It was about the Southern states rights to own slaves and prop up an agricultural economy that was so inefficient it had to rely on non-wage labor just to survive.
Imagine any business making the argument today. We run such a poor business that we will lose money if we actually have to pay the people who do the work’.
**** any business can be successful if it doesn’t have to pay its labor.
lol someone has never been a restaurant server before.
Name the last 3 states to abolish slavery and when. Hint: Well after the Emancipation Proclamation. Last state? Delaware.
There are worse things than History for threads to spin off course to. I'd rather it be that instead of jumping a guy for providing info that didn't pan out.