Tee Denson, Pitt Commit, possibly in play...

Simmons just reported top three of VTech, Wake Forest, and Miami. Those are the schools he is visiting and focused on. Apparently the Miami offer loosened him up. Was considered a firm commit.

Refreshing to see that offer list instead of Marshall and West Virginia.
If we went him we get him but I think he is just a backup option right now since spots are so limited
It's sad to say, generally speaking, kids coming from that area have their mental game together more than from Miami-Dade schools.
Dade kids mentality is installed by people in our area all we are taught is that u should be starting over everyone and if u dont its cause the coaches are hating and u should just transfer or if ur team sucks dont try to make it better just leave for a good school
spots aren’t limited. We are down to like 65 kids
That’s not how it works my guy. You can only sign 25 per cycle unless you have left overs from last cycle. We took so many transfers that I don’t believe we have left overs unless there’s like 1 or 2.