Tedarrell Slaton

I'm still not sold on Herbert... but I'll trust the staff. I think the big 3 fish they want are Donaldson Telfort and Slaton. With Hillery and Dykstra already in the fold, maybe they pass on Herbert and save a scholly for another position? (I don't know how they're thinking. Just my 2 cents)

Calvin Ashley is the wild card in the deck this year. I think we end up with navaughn,Calvin & Tj. If it's up to me I take Herbert over Slaton & telfort.
Wait... come again!? Where have you seen this?! That would be HUUUUUUGE! Anything to go off here? If we drop Dykstra and Hillery (which idk about that move just because of Deejay) we would absolutely be able to make room for all of them. I do however believe Telfort would be the odd man out here. People seem to be sleeping on Herbert. I think he could be far better than Telfort personally. Plus if we can grab Ashley on top of Slaton, Herbert, Donaldson and one of Telfort/Hillery/Dykstra.... good lawd that would be complete insanity!

I want Hillery. The kid has real potential. I saw him in the one on one drills and he won a lot of those battles. He's raw, but he wants it. He has that dog in him, and every battle he lost, you saw how extremely angry he was. Now the kid I don't want, and no offense to him or his dad, is Dykstra. He just doesn't have it, in my opinion, not to play here. In the Big 10, sure. Not adjusting to the speed is one thing...there's a guard position for that....but he showed very pedestrian strength as well.

I would gladly take Ashley. Give me Donaldson, Ashley, Slaton/Telfort, and Hillery and I'm straight, cuddie.

Agreed. I think by junior year once he puts on the right weight & gets his footwork he'll be a beast. I'm not 100% on Dykstra either but something about him the staff likes. I just want a bunch of dirty *** holes playing on oline. Pancake central
