Taylor Gadbois expected in January

"Of course I'm ready to play," he said. "A person committed to the University of Miami does not come there to sit. They come there to play and win championships and play in the NFL. I wouldn't have signed if I was going to be a benchwarmer."*

Says he will be in the rotation next year and sees himself starting as a sophmo

He benches 375 pounds and squats 470 pounds

Right now he says he's 6-8 ad weighs 292 with plans on gaining more weight

Also had this to say about future commits:

"guys don't want to give out any info; most want to put on a dang show, wait and pull out a hat. If they're true Canes they'll commit soon."

He is a big **** kid. I want to see those power numbers up a little bit but yeah, he definitely has the attitude.
I gotta feeling that some of the guys he's talking bout wanna have the stage to say "I'm taking my talents to South Beach"... gotta feeling at least one or two recruits will pull this act either at the UAA game or US Army game
love his attitude

wish we had a few more with this attitude, hopefully he comes in ready to knock some fn heads off
For our type of offense I prefer the quicker athletes to add weight, noy the monster road graters like Wisky
It works great for those teams, but there have been few monster sized successes over the years, Mount McKinnie comes to mind, as does Freeman Brown.
He is a big **** kid. I want to see those power numbers up a little bit but yeah, he definitely has the attitude.

actually those lifts aint to bad, the taller the longer the range of motion... I know guys who started in NFL and did not have those numbers
He is a big **** kid. I want to see those power numbers up a little bit but yeah, he definitely has the attitude.

actually those lifts aint to bad, the taller the longer the range of motion... I know guys who started in NFL and did not have those numbers

Thats why I said get em up a little bit. Its decent for a big kid at that age, so he should be able to get much stronger (all Swasey jokes aside)

The bench is one that usually never translates for those huge wingspan linemen, but I would like to see a better squat.
I hope he means it. Heard this talk before, want to see all them walk the walk. Either way, it is a step above hat trick stuff..
He is a big **** kid. I want to see those power numbers up a little bit but yeah, he definitely has the attitude.

actually those lifts aint to bad, the taller the longer the range of motion... I know guys who started in NFL and did not have those numbers
Yep the taller you are the harder it is to do heavy weights in bench, you got longer arms/wingspan so you have to go down more
Clean is the most important lift for a olineman...

Bench I thought helped me alot, I was able to keep separation with my punch cause I was a good bencher
On Gadbois
he says Gadbois has the talent to make an immediate impact at Miami
He's a gifted athlete with good feet, hands, and range
Says that being at Fort Union will help him transition well to UM
"Here you wake up at 6, make your bed, clean your room, it's `Yes sir, no sir,' march around, go to class, go to study hall," Shuman said. "You have to take a lot of orders. You have to shave every day, which he didn't like. But he made it, did a good job
Says since Gadbois arrived last summer at 320 pounds he's now at 290
"We got him in the weight room, cardio, got his body turned around," Shuman said. "He was a soft 320. You hang out all summer waiting to enroll in summer school and have to come to us in late August, there's going to be issues with overweightness, so we put him on some programs. We tightened him up.*

"He understood his commitment and figured this was his last knot on this rope, if he didn't fulfill this he wouldn't go to a great place like Miami. He figured it out, is a smart kid, brilliant kid. He sacrificed."*
His coach says that Gadbois has got all the tools and that he'll get in the weight room this spring, get strong up top and he can push someone on the left side.

On Lockhart
Says right now he's weighing his options
Says that Lockhart hs speed and is very explosive also hs soft hands with a tall lanky frame
He had 9 td catches on the season
Says that Miami has been recruiting him since November and that if he winds up at UM miami will have another recruit to thank for that(Gadbois)
I think Taylor changed his mind (about considering Miami)," Shuman said. "He's got a way about him. Taylor got in his head and started pointing out the finer things about the University of Miami. He got in Lockart's head and (Lockhart) took a visit down there and is trying to decide what's best now.
Lockhart would be a good get...hopefully Gabois puts the full court press on ol boy.