Tate's latest tweet...?????

Tate wasn't a five star but he was close.

He was a 5 star when Ohio State accepted his commitment. Then he got bumped down in the ratings a notch afterwards.

How do you get that? Tate was the five star QB. Williams was not.
Wasn’t saying this solely on stars although thought Tate was a 4 star. I was saying highest ceiling based on Jarrens arm/size.

Either way I’m fine with whoever Enos/Diaz selects. This is the most important decision of their careers thus far, and both coaches have good track records so I have full faith.
This tweet means nothing other than Tate is ready to work which all of them should say regardless where they end up on the depth chart.
Actually it could mean that he is not the starter but he is accepting Diaz decision and still ready to go to work trying to unseat the starter.
Competitive nature which you want for your backup QB.
Unless anything is announced or legitimately leaked...I'm taking it as: Manny & Enos sat all of them down, got in their asses about how bad the offense looked and how it's not going to cut it. Coaches will not publicly announce a QB and is giving them one last chance to prove themselves - GET TO WORK

My expectations are that Tate (vs UF, IF he starts) will be mediocre but steady and probably keep the ball from turnover. If it's a ball control game, or some 10-7 affair as our Defense shines, he might stay on the field a long time (Fine with me if we win 13-10). If UF gets a sizable lead, I would expect a switch to Jarren (or even Perry) and wouldn't be surprised if that's even the Plan.
All week we heard that yesterday’s scrimmage was going to play a huge role in determining where guys stand on the team and Tate goes out, lays an egg, and gets rewarded the starting job?

Not buying it.

He's been rewarded the starting job for half of this board since he said he was coming based on far less. We shouldn't act surprised at the level of stupidity some show.
All week we heard that yesterday’s scrimmage was going to play a huge role in determining where guys stand on the team and Tate goes out, lays an egg, and gets rewarded the starting job?

Not buying it.

We also have no idea that Tate laid an egg. Only thing Manny said was Jarren threw a TD to Mallory. We know nothing about this camp and the media segments don’t show anything
Not at the same level as Tate.

A lot of yall are confusing being a better runner with being able to avoid pressure the best. We just saw a clip in the 2nd scrimmage of Jarren avoiding pressure by rolling out then making a good throw to Mallory for a big gain. Tate can run faster but he doesn't avoid pressure better than Jarren or N'Kosi.
Still shows 5* on Scout
Yeah, 2nd best running HS QB in the nation, gotta = 5 stars. Of course, Kyle Wright was not only given 5 stars but was named the consensus best HS QB in the entire nation out of HS. And we all know how that went.
All week we heard that yesterday’s scrimmage was going to play a huge role in determining where guys stand on the team and Tate goes out, lays an egg, and gets rewarded the starting job?

Not buying it.

Are you one of those dudes who yells "next shot wins" when playing pickup basketball when you are down 12-3, then claim to be the champ after hitting the shot?

I'm sure the 2nd scrimmage was very important but it wasn't a one game playoff for the qb starting gig. How they performed rest of camp is included in the evaluation. Jarren might have been best yesterday, but Martell was consistently more effective during camp. Dont know what the coaches saw all offseason.