Tailgating 2021?

We've got almost 12% fully vaccinated and over 20% with at least one shot. We're doing ~600,000 a week at this point.

Florida? Yeah, and most of those people are 65 and older. So, you know, Golden Canes will be able to go to the games.
Florida? Yeah, and most of those people are 65 and older. So, you know, Golden Canes will be able to go to the games.
It's not like anyone watching on tv will notice a difference. They're never in their seats as it is.
Only thing Flake will give you is a cup of Coffee ala Shalala.....
I was watching this on Sunday and one of my young kid relatives goes "Who do you think helped that little person lady into that chair?". I almost choked to death on a waffle.

Two butter balls on both ends of the set there. Iat least Shalala’s sagging ****ies have a final resting place.
Haha. I could soooooo see both of them sitting on a beach together that they closed to the public. Feeding each other potato salad and laughing about how they made it this far in life.
He just got his second shot last Wednesday. It takes two weeks after that to build up your immunity. Even then it's about~95% effective, not 100%.

Yeah from what I’ve seen on the timing, it’s likely he was exposed between the first and the second shot, and what he himself says is that he feels it is amazing that he’s a 67-year-old man and has zero symptoms, he would’ve expected to have definite symptoms had it not been for the first shot. So apparently that first shot had some effect.
Gaitin' should be outlawed anyway as it promotes debauchery, gluttony, reggaeton, animosity, drunk-driving. Half the people entering the stadium are blackout by halftime and aren't engaged as fans during the game.
I know it isn't football but it's a look at what's ahead sports wise... UFC in April is doing a full venue in Jax.. Full capacity seating.....It's a small step forward but a step nonetheless...
I've seen reports that Miami expects full or near capacity once the season rolls around. Has anything been said about tailgating and whether it will be permitted? (If so, I've missed it.)

I'm guessing, but I presume the primary argument against it is that it could still enforce a mask policy in the stadium whereas tailgating would likely encourage folks congregating maskless eating, drinking, etc.
The Branch Covidians will do everything within to power to prevent it.