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Can't believe mods locked up 3 thread the other day but allow this one to carry on

I mean seriously

We've got some real crackpot porsting going on.

Crazy Johnny Fūcking Reb shītposting because he's ****ed the south lost the war?

WTF is going on here?

I get on to another porster for posting her crazy shīt on here, same thing with this loon.
Some of us got it.

Then we have the four-year-olds who will argue how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

And thanks for your service. A number of these that like to argue? This is their biggest battlefield. And they like to shine.

Well, some of us prefer accuracy and truth, unlike you, who lies about the "noble Confederates" starting the Civil War over a TARIFF BILL that passed 3 months after the formation of the Confederacy.

Well, some of US prefer to not spend our free time slobbering over a ****, and who actually knows a bit about history, while you were in the boys room pulling your pud while skipping history class.

This may come as a shock - but the southern states had threatened to pull out long before they did - which would account for your 3 month accuracy mistake.

No South, no revenue. Really simple.

It's only a matter of time before you also start to argue that Orange Park is in the Gainesville area.

Look, we get it. You rednecks have been inventing "alternate facts" for 150 years to create a reason OTHER than slavery for why your pusillanimous ancestors committed treason against the US.

This is fairly simple and straightforward. The pvssy rednecks of the 1860s, who had to fight for the first time in their miserable lives (and who couldn't just order their slaves to do it, like they did for all the other manual labor they were too weak to do), were very clear in their contemporaneous statements about why they seceded. Never once did any Southern state or individual cite a future and un-enacted Tariff Act.

Not one single inferior redneck marched into the Civil War whistling Dixie and complaining about a tariff that he had never paid.

And people today complain about illegal immigrants taking American jobs, when the real reality is that, for centuries, pvssy rednecks have been addicted to cheap immigrant labor doing the jobs that they didn't want to do.

Every Confederate soldier was either a loser slaveowner or an ignorant loser redneck who got tricked into a losing fight by loser slaveowners.

Pvssy rednecks? We were outnumbered 7:1 - and it took you guys four years. Four years.

It took the entire Allied forces - Russia, Britain, and US four years to whip Germany. So for pvssy rednecks - I'd say we did pretty good.

And again - you are so far off in your knowledge - you don't know what the **** you're talking about. I'd suggest when you don't have a clue on something - if you keep your mouth shut - no one will actually know just how ignorant you are.

Tariffs, dumbass, is a tax on imports coming into the country. Imports. Not exports. A tax on IMPORTS. Basic knowledge.

See, in trade, we exported crops - Europe didn't need our finished products - they needed cotton, wheat, rice etc. They bought it up. We wanted some of their imports - and those imports were taxed by a thing called a tariff.

So - the South doesn't export - no tariff revenue for the Federal government. The South leaves the Union - no tariff revenue for the Federal government - and at that time - tariff revenue was the only revenue the Feds could collect.

I bet you make your momma real proud.

You're so far out in the weeds - but hey - that's a Yankee education for you.

How about this.. The Confederate lost and they're traitor. Sorry slavery still isn't around in america like you so desperate wished. We don't care who started it because it all about how you finish it and the Confederate took a L. The way your saying "We" when you refer to the confederates make it seem like you were some confederate solider who mystically found himself stuck in the year 2017. You should write a book about how sad you are that the confederate lost and how such good people they were because you seem to know more then anyone else.

Take this racist civil war **** elsewhere. UMFartMuncher derailing yet another thread and turning it into some 1800's history revision from the eyes of Yeti.
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