Synopsis of Jobe-Frierson visit from today

Too much smoke. Mid wee visit then off to UGA for the weekend. I don't expect Fri or Jobe to end up here

This can either be really good or really bad, just wait on Pete to get to the bottom of this
Only Miami fans would complain and say it's bad for our recruits committed to be visiting the school... stfu man
I'm hoping sitting down with ex players who will try and explain to them it's not all about the bags gets through to these kids.

Frank needs to put a foot in his kins *** and explain to him that that bag of cash will be gone in an instant but being in a Cane brotherhood Is forever
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Gilbert Frierson getting there soon

They both have a lunch meeting with a few former players in particular. Tired of the dumb **** with these two.

Seriously? Tell me you're kidding.

WTF is this all about?

Explain when I'm able to. Easiest way too put it is if they're looking, well than just get the **** outta here

same thing I said in my post on pg 1 and all I do is get downvoted. this is about this U. if they wanna keep playing games then GTFOH
Boy, You idiots know how to f up a perfectly good thread...

U realize that an insider (dee) whos close to the program an x player is saying they r playing games and he posted about it. What type of reaction would u have wanted?

That's what is so frustrating - we just got the word they're playing games - and some retards here are discussing everything BUT.

By the way, when's Shapiro getting out?

Fuqk Shapiro, I hope he rots in prison.
yep. only an idiot would think him visiting and going out with former players is a bad thing.
Where theres smoke theres fire...I wonder if one of them dips would the other follow suit and decommit since "they dreamed about being Canes together". Hope this gets addressed and CMR gets them to cut out the bull**** and be real leaders of this class. Espcially Jobe dude is 19 and acts like hes 7. FOH with that Bama bullshït
if you don't think there's a 90% chance that after today both reaffirm their commitment, you're an idiot.
if you don't think there's a 90% chance that after today both reaffirm their commitment, you're an idiot.

At that point Jobe would be crying wolf. You can only reaffirm your commitment once. If you have to do it a second time.... there's no point it obviously didn't mean anything
How exactly is Gil paying for all these trips to Athens? I doubt he's driving the 10 hours one way. Hmmmmm weird
I also don't get why people are acting as though Jobe and Gil are the same person, and that either both stick or both decommit

I mean, it's very possible we get one and not the other