I havent watched enough of Houston to know their "style" but I do like that we have won games playing almost every style possible. Up Tempo, Half court, fist fights, down 15, up 15, and god knows if we are up 8ish with 2 minutes its going to be a nerve wracking final 2 minutes. But we tend to hit free throws.
We have a roster really built to handle anything. Even when we are greatly outsized we rebound well. Houston isnt huge but they have a lot of 6'8 types that are very athletic. Wooga will likely be the guy asked to player bigger but he can bounce with almost anyone. Miller is the guy who could really frustrate the young kid from PA that Houston has with his LA fitness game against that kids height and athleticism.
I know we play chaos on Def and at time sit back to help with rebounding which lets some 3pt shooter have an extra second. But I wonder if L will throw a wrinkle at Sasser/Shead
We dont tend to Jaw a lot but I could see Joseph trying to mix it up and **** off Sasser or Shead