**** SVP

SVP is one of the good guys. He did it bcuz of the guest on his show come on guys.
SVP once mentioned our high school highlight film of Vince Wilfork so he is alright in my book.
Beamer's reaction to him pulling off the helmet was more the point. SVP is normally alright, still is a douchey kinda guy but, the way he jumped to pull our helmet even after Beamer was like nah leave them up there rubbed me the wrong way.

Wasn't sayin we should hate him and boycott his show just that it was a douche move.
Who gives a sheitza!?!? I'd rather SVP joke around and have fun with his guests and still show love for The U (which he often does) than these clown recruits tossing our hat to the floor in a more direct and disrespectful manner.