I guess he didn't have enough talent to beat FSU, VaTech, or that perennial powerhouse East Carolina.
Borch is a career underachiever.
Hey, you got your boy Richt. Be happy.
I'm not there yet.
Are you snorting cleaning chemicals again? Your post makes no sense.
Killa, that's not a surprise to me.
Fans love to look back at film clips of when we were monsters - including the Hit! Stick! BusDik! But the same sphincters who loved our last run - forget who gathered that team - who gave them that attitude - Butch Davis.
Schnelly at UM was wide open magic, unrepeatable elsewhere. JJ was the excepton. Erickson at UM was wide open magic, unrepeatable elsewhere. Butch Davis at UM was wide open magic, unrepeatable elsewhere.
The only two that had to almost start from scratch was Schnelly and Davis.
Richt is not the same Richt who was wide open calling offense at FSU. I'm seeing too much plodding run first SEC BS. If Richt can't toss that SEC contamination - we're not going to excel. Players watch games too - and October showed them a bit of what I'm talking about.
Is is that hard to think that just maybe - we need a really fast and loose Offensive Coordinator? Like we have a fast and loose Defensive Coordinator?