Strong gone

Of course we get the POSITION COACH who gets a direct ESPN quote about his status lol you never see that but of course makes Mario look like an ******* if he wasn’t communicating what’s next with strong who seemingly wanted DC

If I'm ranking problems on our staff from coaching ability to recruiting ability for each guy left.. Field's recruiting is very close to the bottom of the list to address. TE is so loaded it can wait until next year unless the TE coaching spot is needed for OC for whatever reason.

U said it best; recruiting? Nah…I’m not worried there. Coaching? Ehhhh, let’s talk a little. Recruiting should’ve never been the hill to die on; if U wanna critique his ability to coach & develop, sure we can talk & discuss then.
Listening to the Manny/Feldman podcast, I understood Smith as being one of the deadweight coaches that Feldman was talking about. He referenced guys that haven’t previously worked for Mario not understanding and living up to his expectations and the only remaining person on offense that could be referring to is Smith, since Mirabal and Field have both obviously worked for Manny before.
Ain't No way. Smith has been pulling his weight in reference to recruiting for sure. Fletcher, Johnson, Citizen and Parrish. that is Literally our whole running back room not including Chaney. Im am sure dead weight is not Smith.
Ain't No way. Smith has been pulling his weight in reference to recruiting for sure. Fletcher, Johnson, Citizen and Parrish. that is Literally our whole running back room not including Chaney. Im am sure dead weight is not Smith.
yup. just parrish alone salvaged our year. ****, we would have been 0-15 without him
I don’t lie, especially about something as meaningless as this. I do provide receipts when the special is crow though. You can stop replying to me now since you cant even accurately recall what you say
View attachment 229141

No need to pull receipts. You admitted to your own lie. I said that I didn't say what you said that I said, and you proceeded to justify your lie by saying that I might do so in the future. So you lied.

Just stop lying.


I for one was not on "Strong to DC" choo choo.

It now appears Stromg was likely to leave regardless, so no other strong recruiter/LB coach was available that could give Miami continuity?

He was likely to leave as of two days ago when he didn’t get the DC job, before that, who knows if he was likely to leave or not. I guess you’re saying that Strong was likely to leave so he should’ve never been hired last year? Wow. You really do wanna die on that hill. He was hired and still employed until the new DC was named and then he decided that was it for him (or Mario decided, or it was mutual).

You’re still not explaining why it was a “terrible look“ with any degree of logic.
I like Strong. I think he still has something to give to the game. He’s better off in a place with already plenty of talent. Players that need fine tuning and not completely being coached up like we had here
I couldn't agree more. Steele is probably in that same boat.
He was likely to leave as of two days ago when he didn’t get the DC job, before that, who knows if he was likely to leave or not. I guess you’re saying that Strong was likely to leave so he should’ve never been hired last year? Wow. You really do wanna die on that hill. He was hired and still employed until the new DC was named and then he decided that was it for him (or Mario decided, or it was mutual).

You’re still not explaining why it was a “terrible look“ with any degree of logic.
I've explained it multiple times. In crayon on a napkin even.

My theory is yes, Strong was gone/itching to go even if Steel remained.

It speaks volumes that a personality like Strong, with his resume, was brought on staff last year and, as he admits publically, wasn't even interviewed for the sole DC position when he had the title of Co-DC (at least implied).

In most normal functioning organizations, that not only is a miss, but that could also get the hiring authority fired for that level "you gottta be kidding me".

It's ok we all have differing views on what has occurred. No reason to get all hostile over people's ages (I'm far younger than given credit for).

Porsters need to use their spinners...all good friends.

Go Canes.

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