Not to belabor Horton's departure, but here goes..everyone has a point of view, right or wrong, when money's at stake. Looking at last year's wr corps, clearly X got more dough. Certainly Brown did too (and underachieved) This one probably stuck in Horton's craw. The '24 class netted Trader and Carr who in all likelihood exceeded Horton's NIL. Even Ray Ray was a higher caliber recruit, who may have made more $. George, who knows?
Extending to other offensive positions, you'd think Arroyo and the highly-touted Loftin out earned him. How about the top 3 rb's, including Fletcher and the other Ohio St. flip? And I'd guess the majority of the starting OL with Ci Ci, of course, and Carpenter and Bell were highly sought after and likely got paid. Rivers? Cooper?
So dude probably looked around a huddle where almost everyone was making more than him. Proud, resentful? Who knows? And we don't know what the renewal offer was. But I'd guess he surely wanted whatever Brown made. Whether right or wrong, this is my guess as to why Horton bolted.