Off-Topic Stock Market & Crypto Discussion

what will the do when they need millions to go forward? Hopefully not diluting shares.

From the beginning they've been adamant about their plans to move this project forward without needing another round of financing/dilution. They bring it up their cash position on nearly every press release. Here's and excerpt below from a couple weeks ago. It only cost them 5-800k per to drill and complete a well so were heading into revenue starting up with a nice cash position and the government will be paying them CAD on all deliveries. That being said when this stock list to nasdaq and or starts paying dividends expect some sort of split.

Here's an early projection of what i think the 1st plant will produce after the optimization period. We'll have a much better idea in 3-4 weeks so take this with a grain of salt.
Flow Rate MCFGPDHelium %Daily RecoveryAnnual MCFSale Price Per MCFAnnual Rev Year 1
Well #21,2514.0904%51.1718,677$1,200$22,412,856
Well #41,5871.1370%18.046,586$1,200$7,903,355
Well #51,5871.1370%18.046,586$1,200$7,903,355
Well #61,5871.1370%18.046,586$1,200$7,903,355
Well #71,5871.1370%18.046,586$1,200$7,903,355

  • The Company still has over $18 million in the treasury and is confident in achieving positive cash flow without further financing

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Of course they will.
Agreed. I just didn't want to call anyone out.
And they are going to need cash soon.

Bought TBT calls up over 20% today..
will buy more when traders sell.
also added to GOOG before split...They are sitting on a pile of ca$h.
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Agreed. I just didn't want to call anyone out.
And they are going to need cash soon.
Both TBT calls up over 20% today..
will buy more when traders sell.
also added to GOOG before split...They are sitting on a pile of ca$h.

What specifically makes you think they're going to need cash soon? Do you have an actual reason or just throwing darts?
Imagine paying 277 dollars to own a link to a picture of a tweet. lmao. What an idiot.
NFT's have so many potential game changing real-world uses...and yet, somehow, it has been pigeonholed into representing ownership of an 8 bit zombie face with sunglasses or some other dumb **** like a picture of a tweet like you said.
Do the DD on this one it's worth your time. is very promising. But I have bought a number of these penny stocks before, including rare earth, uranium, gas and oil, all with connections to Canadian co’s, and they always dilute shares.
I could be wrong, but buyer beware.
Advertisement is very promising. But I have bought a number of these penny stocks before, including rare earth, uranium, gas and oil, all with connections to Canadian co’s, and they always dilute shares.
I could be wrong, but buyer beware.

You're 100% right the odds in the junior explorer sector is high for dilution, failure, and even corruption, especially the Canadian ones. The management team is very cognizant of that reputation and has so far gone out of their way to prove they do things differently.

Anyway i don't want to sound like a salesman, it's certainly not risk free but DME's current fiscal position looks supremely positive and would need some major near term setbacks to put us in danger of a forced dilution.

Read for yourself on how they built the current cash position.

You're 100% right the odds in the junior explorer sector is high for dilution, failure, and even corruption, especially the Canadian ones. The management team is very cognizant of that reputation and has so far gone out of their way to prove they do things differently.

Anyway i don't want to sound like a salesman, it's certainly not risk free but DME's current fiscal position looks supremely positive and would need some major near term setbacks to put us in danger of a forced dilution.

Read for yourself on how they built the current cash position.

Although share dilution usually has negative connotations, it doesn't have to be a negative. If a corporation is doing it for the right reasons, such as improving the company it can be very positive.

If DME has something here, and I was a shareholder, I would want them to exploit what they have ASAP. And, if to do that the company determines issuing more shares is the best way to finance their operatiins then that is a good thing.
The burn is back.

with decent earnings but future downgrades, I read a Cramer report saying "Analyst also starts Alphabet (GOOGL) with crazy price target of $4,183". Bgt. another share...
Plus it will split like Amazon..dd
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Feeling very confident I can buy it back later and lower so I just liquidated all my TPL around ~$1500 a share @ ~145% avg gain to plow into growth (probably biotechs) and some more NLY down here around $6.50 (13% yield).
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