Still waiting for the 2nd wave (formerly the Something Happening👀👀 thread)

Lol if kids are going to make the biggest decision of their life and future over getting some of the money upfront vs. waiting till next year and signing with the most legit NIL company in the entire college football world. Hopefully just a bad rumor and not a parent or kids doing something short-sighted. But that's NIL for you, the wild west.

Gattis the new Rumph
A lot of you have been spot with the recitation of the law and how this developed. Yes, Rashada has been the impetus behind the demand. My source is an NIL agent. Their departure is by no means set in stone but they are shopping around for lack of a better expression and Louisville has been the name in those talks.
That would be an incredibly stupid and shortsighted move on their part. Go to a mid level school with a shaky coaching situation just to get a little more money up front?
If we completely strikeout on a once in a decade WR class down here then idk how you don’t treat Gattis the way y’all did Rumph

Rumph had to recruit, empty handed, against bags. So in that respect, apples to oranges.
So everybody just overreacting to untrustworthy sources or something?

I’m sorry but you’d have to be an idiot to actually choose Louisville on signing day lol. Commit there and get a bag or something is a little different.
they said the second wave of recruiting will be coming… no one said when.

People expect it immediately is all I’m saying when they see something said or posted and when it doesn’t happen everyone gets in a tizzy.

I agree with you I’m not panicking either I mean like I keep reiterating on here. Look at where this class is and look at who’ve we’ve landed since Mario got here
Let me preface this by saying that I’m not worried at all. We will be fine. We already have many great players and we have plenty of big dogs left as priority targets.

However, I clearly remember Mario saying “soon” in reference to this “wave”. So for anyone to suggest that fans are being impatient on this issue because no timeline was set is false narrative. It’s moving the goalposts. I can’t find a clip, but I did find this on3 article that clearly quotes Mario saying SOON.

Again, IDK. We whiffed. We missed out on guys they thought we had. That’s the only explanation. It’s also OK. We will be absolutely fine. Actually, we will be better than fine.
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You act like we have never gotten elite SFLA recruits in the bag era?
On pure numbers, we’ll always hit on a couple but don’t front like bags haven’t won more battles against us for the last 15 years or so. To hold those losses against Rumph or anyone else against that is foolish.
On pure numbers, we’ll always hit on a couple but don’t front like bags haven’t won more battles against us for the last 15 years or so. To hold those losses against Rumph or anyone else against that is foolish.
I’m not fronting about anything nor have I suggested that bags aren’t a major factor. What I am saying is that at the end of the day you are judged on results and Rumph whiffed a ton, year after year even though he was the HC a loaded school in SFLA. We were able to recruit plenty of position to at least a decent level but completely whiffed at CB.
Hearing from a reliable source that the Washington Twins will be flipping to Louisville. The reason being the collective down here will not front any funds. Hopefully they change their minds but this is what I am hearing right now. Perhaps @Cribby or @kendallboycane can corroborate with their own sources.

I mean, "fronting funds" to a FL HS athlete isnt NIL, it directly violates FL NIL law. So any collective that does that is both dumb and desperate because you're just giving kids money without being able to enforce the contract.

So **** they could flip, collect a signing bonus I guess, and then flip again. I doubt any collective except Louisville and UF would just give away $ like that