here is a question,
since he was recruited by football, even if he is all baseball - would he still count against 85?
if he doesnt play football then no he wouldnt count
since baseball doesnt have full rides......if he didnt take baseball money and paid his own way.......he would essentially be a walkon for football.......and still wouldnt count
but unless they changed the pretty sure baseball still gets treated like track........some in on schollie for another sport.......once he plays switches over to football and then would count against the limit
He was recruited for football, so if he becomes a scholarship athlete at UM and is on baseball and football teams, his schollie would count in football, even before he ever plays a down. The hierarchy for schollie purposes is football, basketball, then ice hockey (for the full hierarchy, see NCAA Manual Figure 15-3). The rule is NCAA Bylaw 15.5.10:
In football, a counter who was recruited (per Bylaw 15.02.8) and/or offered financial aid to participate in football and who participates (practices or competes) in football and one or more sports (including basketball) shall be counted in football. A counter who was not recruited (per Bylaw 15.02.8) and/or offered financial aid to participate in football and who competes in football and one or more sports (including basketball) shall be counted in football.