Still no Thompson

by saying he was going to college......hes going to fall

under the new draft rules......teams cant afford to spend picks on kids that they wont be able to sign
Glad he is coming to the U. IMO him and Kevin Olsen are the future of the program at QB

how can they both be the future when they're only separated by a year?
Well, what I meant was they are both studs and the QB position is in good hands with either one as the starter. Im glad we have 2 proven winners coming in to solidify the position. Thompson is ultra competitive and I actually believe he's better than Williams, Crow, Dewey and maybe even Morris (im not sold on him yet) as soon as he joins the team on the 27th. Olsen is obviously the fan favorite to start as soon as he gets here in 2013, but I believe Thompson has the skills and leadership necessary to steer this team in the right direction until Olsen is ready and maybe puts on a little weight. It's never a bad thing having options at QB
I think Thompson will be 3 and done in baseball. IMO, the baseball team needs him much more than the football team ... even more so now with the Olsen commitment.
I think Thompson will be 3 and done in baseball. IMO, the baseball team needs him much more than the football team ... even more so now with the Olsen commitment.

2 and done he has a late birthday and will be eligible in 2 years thats why he's coming to UM...
here is a question,
since he was recruited by football, even if he is all baseball - would he still count against 85?
here is a question,
since he was recruited by football, even if he is all baseball - would he still count against 85?

if he doesnt play football then no he wouldnt count

since baseball doesnt have full rides......if he didnt take baseball money and paid his own way.......he would essentially be a walkon for football.......and still wouldnt count

but unless they changed the pretty sure baseball still gets treated like track........some in on schollie for another sport.......once he plays switches over to football and then would count against the limit
So we're thru rd 15 and he's still on the board. Even with all of the previous assurances by numerous posters, this is honestly the first time I feel comfortable knowing that he's coming to help out our football and baseball programs.
So we're thru rd 15 and he's still on the board. Even with all of the previous assurances by numerous posters, this is honestly the first time I feel comfortable knowing that he's coming to help out our football and baseball programs. did a mock draft from a month ago and had him going to the yankees at 89.......that was before he had said he was going to college

him saying he wanted to go to school is the only reason hes still on the board

with the new draft rules teams get penalized if they draft a kid who doesnt sign.....they lose the kid and the money from that slot comes out of their total draft allotment budget..........which is why we saw more HS kids go earlier than college kids this year.........draft a HS kid higher......teams can pay him more to keep him out of college......where as the college kids have much less leverage......and are still going to sign even being drafted later

if a team calls a HS kid and tells him they are looking at him........from late round 2 or early round 3..........they tell them what the signing number will be and ask if they will sign.......if they kid is even the least bit hesitant in answering.......they arent gonna get drafted
Round 15 and Jameis Winston was just selected...that shows you how far a football recruit can fall...he was projected as a sammich pick.
Round 15 and Jameis Winston was just selected...that shows you how far a football recruit can fall...he was projected as a sammich pick.

and like thompson.....he fell because he said he wants to go to college
here is a question,
since he was recruited by football, even if he is all baseball - would he still count against 85?

if he doesnt play football then no he wouldnt count

since baseball doesnt have full rides......if he didnt take baseball money and paid his own way.......he would essentially be a walkon for football.......and still wouldnt count

but unless they changed the pretty sure baseball still gets treated like track........some in on schollie for another sport.......once he plays switches over to football and then would count against the limit

ZZZZ.... This has been covered countless times. He's on a football scholarship. He counts against the 85
here is a question,
since he was recruited by football, even if he is all baseball - would he still count against 85?

if he doesnt play football then no he wouldnt count

since baseball doesnt have full rides......if he didnt take baseball money and paid his own way.......he would essentially be a walkon for football.......and still wouldnt count

but unless they changed the pretty sure baseball still gets treated like track........some in on schollie for another sport.......once he plays switches over to football and then would count against the limit

He was recruited for football, so if he becomes a scholarship athlete at UM and is on baseball and football teams, his schollie would count in football, even before he ever plays a down. The hierarchy for schollie purposes is football, basketball, then ice hockey (for the full hierarchy, see NCAA Manual Figure 15-3). The rule is NCAA Bylaw 15.5.10:

In football, a counter who was recruited (per Bylaw 15.02.8) and/or offered financial aid to participate in football and who participates (practices or competes) in football and one or more sports (including basketball) shall be counted in football. A counter who was not recruited (per Bylaw 15.02.8) and/or offered financial aid to participate in football and who competes in football and one or more sports (including basketball) shall be counted in football.