Stephen Field hired as TE Coach

Because TCU is still TCU. Texas will always be top dog with A&M running second. TCU is not a staple program

That’s not really answering my question. I’m not asking why they don’t bring in elite classes. I’m asking why they aren’t really seeing any kind of bump?
Except we basically had that Top 10 locked up by April. Before we even won a game. Our recruiting actually slowed down and we finished poorly on the trail that year, despite the winning on the field.
The team had won 5 games in row to end 2016 and recruiting at Miami is about holding on to guys who like saving a spot before other schools come calling. The 10-game streak in 2017 helped maintain the guys who committed early. We saw all the decommits this cycle because we were losing.
That’s not really answering my question. I’m not asking why they don’t bring in elite classes. I’m asking why they aren’t really seeing any kind of bump?

Because its not a top brand school in the kids eyes. Kids want to play at the big schools not TCU. Compared to Texas and Texas A&M they are second rate. So their success isn't going to achieve the same bump as Texas or A&M when they are winning
The team had won 5 games in row to end 2016 and recruiting at Miami is about holding on to guys who like saving a spot before other schools come calling. The 10-game streak in 2017 helped maintain the guys who committed early. We saw all the decommits this cycle because we were losing.

This is just narrative pushing.

You’re saying winning 9 games is what created the number 1 class in April. While completely ignoring that our 2018 recruiting actually got worse as the season went on. Meaning as we were a game away from the playoffs, we started losing more and more recruiting battles. Winning did not help us win a recruiting battle.

I agree that winning helps you maintain recruiting. I disagree that it matters with one particular season. But overall, you need winning to maintain it. But it does not create it. We never got a “winning” bump.
Because its not a top brand school in the kids eyes. Kids want to play at the big schools not TCU. Compared to Texas and Texas A&M they are second rate. So their success isn't going to achieve the same bump as Texas or A&M when they are winning

You’re still not answering my question. You keep wanting to explain why their winning hasn’t made them Texas A&M in recruiting. But I’ve alrady conceded they shouldn’t be the Aggies. I’m not asking why they aren’t in the big time Texas schools in recruiting.
lol hes a race baiting jack ***. you gonna tell DJ and Vilma they dont know the history of the school they played for?

Once again, someone who's ignorant to the facts, WTH can dj's california *** gone tell me about UM history, and vilma is Miami all day long but he didnt grow up round us. Only clowns try to flip the script by using terms like "race baiting" that term is only used by those who dont want to face facts and try to get others to ignore the Truth or not see it. Alot of white people psychologically try to pretend like racism doesn't exist, simply because they are the ones who started it and continue to exercise it. That man luke is a victim of racism who calls it out whenever he can, so dont try and get rid of luke, get rid of the racism, biiiootttccchh!
Are top 10 recruiting classes the result of good recruiters or winning?

Seems to me when a team wins they bring in good classes and not so much when they do not.

It is not the only factor but my guess is, it is perhaps the most important.

Let's win and find out!
Look at 2017... best season in years and best class in years. But the season fell apart at the end, as did recruiting post early signing day.

Also.. talent doesn’t equal wins. We out talented, by a wide margin, every team we’ve lost to the last 3 years.. except Clemson.
Golden did the same. And randy. And crappy.
You’re still not answering my question. You keep wanting to explain why their winning hasn’t made them Texas A&M in recruiting. But I’ve alrady conceded they shouldn’t be the Aggies. I’m not asking why they aren’t in the big time Texas schools in recruiting.

I absolutely answered your question you’re just dancing around the obvious answer. TCU is not going to get a major bump in recruiting. Their classes are going to remain where they are simply because TCU is not a major program. It’s a good muddled tier program. That only gets you so much. Maybe your use of TCU was a poor example
False. Luke didn’t have anything to do with Miami when Schnelly was there. Luke got involved in the late 80 after Miami blew up.

Here let me show you how this works using simple arithmetic:

1) Luke was born in 1960
2) Schnelly arrived as HC in 1979
3) Luke was 19 years old in 1979 and a nobody. He didn’t give Schnelly a pass on in because he was a nobody.
4) When Schnelly won our first natty 2 live crew was still based in Cali and known for having the first Asian rapper. Luke was not involved until 84-86 when 2 live crew relocated to Miami.
5) Luke was a nobody until 1986.

ROFL, so how old was luke when schnelly arrived, yo ignorant *** only heard about luke once 2 live crew hit the scene, the fact that you ignorantly said 2 live crew was "based in Cali" where was luke based out of and raised. What highschool did luke go to, do you think luke woke up one day and just got involved in music in 84-86 with 2 live crew, lol,. That's the problem with the ignorant, you may have heard of melvin bratton, brett perriman, tolbert bain and the likes, go talk to them. To say "luke was a nobody" displays how much ignorance you have, alot of yall who beat your chest about the Greatness of UM thinks it started at UM with schnelly, but to stupid to realize why schnelly made it a point to recruit what he termed "The state of Miami", schnelly was just smart enuff to come into Liberty City and humble himself down and learn, which is why guys like him and jimmy johnson are respected, most of the ignorant ones on this board would get ran out of town! So to you sir, do yourself a favor and just STFU and learn.
ROFL, so how old was luke when schnelly arrived, yo ignorant *** only heard about luke once 2 live crew hit the scene, the fact that you ignorantly said 2 live crew was "based in Cali" where was luke based out of and raised. What highschool did luke go to, do you think luke woke up one day and just got involved in music in 84-86 with 2 live crew, lol,. That's the problem with the ignorant, you may have heard of melvin bratton, brett perriman, tolbert bain and the likes, go talk to them. To say "luke was a nobody" displays how much ignorance you have, alot of yall who beat your chest about the Greatness of UM thinks it started at UM with schnelly, but to stupid to realize why schnelly made it a point to recruit what he termed "The state of Miami", schnelly was just smart enuff to come into Liberty City and humble himself down and learn, which is why guys like him and jimmy johnson are respected, most of the ignorant ones on this board would get ran out of town! So to you sir, do yourself a favor and just STFU and learn.

Cool bro, you know you’re liberty city history. We get it. Luke CURRENTLY is a UM hater and acts just like all the other self-serving dudes down there towards UM. Y’all condone his ignorance and chit talking towards the program and make excuses for him. But kiss the ground that the Sabans, Kirby’s and Jimbo’s walk on. Field will be just fine down here regardless of your opinion
ROFL, so how old was luke when schnelly arrived, yo ignorant *** only heard about luke once 2 live crew hit the scene, the fact that you ignorantly said 2 live crew was "based in Cali" where was luke based out of and raised. What highschool did luke go to, do you think luke woke up one day and just got involved in music in 84-86 with 2 live crew, lol,. That's the problem with the ignorant, you may have heard of melvin bratton, brett perriman, tolbert bain and the likes, go talk to them. To say "luke was a nobody" displays how much ignorance you have, alot of yall who beat your chest about the Greatness of UM thinks it started at UM with schnelly, but to stupid to realize why schnelly made it a point to recruit what he termed "The state of Miami", schnelly was just smart enuff to come into Liberty City and humble himself down and learn, which is why guys like him and jimmy johnson are respected, most of the ignorant ones on this board would get ran out of town! So to you sir, do yourself a favor and just STFU and learn.
Luke been ****ting on the program, not helping for 15+ years, Luke runs his mouth about on goings that he has no idea about, **** him
And now Fields is a P5 position coach, while Luke runs a ****** youth football program.

Dont allow yourself to be a dummy and a fool at the same time, if you think luke's goal was to be a college football coach you sir are clueless. You got the same mentality as trump, referring to the youth football program like trump did with Africa, this is the type of sick minds that keeps creating problems in the world. Get a clue, i would say get lost, but you already are, tsk tsk! Alot of the same players you claim to root for, come out of those programs, but since you are a bandwagoneer, i understand!
This is just narrative pushing.

You’re saying winning 9 games is what created the number 1 class in April. While completely ignoring that our 2018 recruiting actually got worse as the season went on. Meaning as we were a game away from the playoffs, we started losing more and more recruiting battles. Winning did not help us win a recruiting battle.

I agree that winning helps you maintain recruiting. I disagree that it matters with one particular season. But overall, you need winning to maintain it. But it does not create it. We never got a “winning” bump.

The class got worse because the recruiting powers started gaining commits. It didn't get much worse because we were winning. The end of the cycle failures had more to do with kids who never were coming here finally making their choices. Campbell and Surtain were never gonna be Canes. The other kids they brought in were out of state kids that were long shots. You throw in Richt being able to sell winning 5 games in a row and saying things are getting turned around after his first season and you get a bump.

Selling hope always works early in a tenure. It works better when you can sell a winning streak. So yes being able to tell kids that Miami is getting it turned around and having proof on the field to back it up as tenuous as that might be gets you a bump. We got a winning bump. You think all our non recruiters who had a high ranking 2019 class at one point got that much worse at recruiting? They were enjoying the spoils of winning 10 games. When that was shown to just be a blip by the end of 2017 kids left and other kids wanted no part of Miami.
This is going to be interesting, they had to run him outta of the West, he should've never taken that job outta respect alone. Going to be real interesting if he's on staff to see how it plays out though, he may not be that respected out round here, but we'll see how it goes if he gets the job, i wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt get hired!
Wtf are you taking about brother. You make absolutely no sense.
Dont allow yourself to be a dummy and a fool at the same time, if you think luke's goal was to be a college football coach you sir are clueless. You got the same mentality as trump, referring to the youth football program like trump did with Africa, this is the type of sick minds that keeps creating problems in the world. Get a clue, i would say get lost, but you already are, tsk tsk! Alot of the same players you claim to root for, come out of those programs, but since you are a bandwagoneer, i understand!

The class got worse because the recruiting powers started gaining commits. It didn't get much worse because we were winning. The end of the cycle failures had more to do with kids who never were coming here finally making their choices. Campbell and Surtain were never gonna be Canes. The other kids they brought in were out of state kids that were long shots. You throw in Richt being able to sell winning 5 games in a row and saying things are getting turned around after his first season and you get a bump.

Selling hope always works early in a tenure. It works better when you can sell a winning streak. So yes being able to tell kids that Miami is getting it turned around and having proof on the field to back it up as tenuous as that might be gets you a bump. We got a winning bump. You think all our non recruiters who had a high ranking 2019 class at one point got that much worse at recruiting? They were enjoying the spoils of winning 10 games. When that was shown to just be a blip by the end of 2017 kids left and other kids wanted no part of Miami.

Campbell had CBs from the insiders to Miami. The idea that we couldn't have won him over, is silly. Same thing with the DT from GA that went to FSU. Etc., etc.
And I'm still not understanding your point? So we locked up all the kids that "wanted" to be Canes before the season even started due to us winning 9 games the year before. Kids that weren't locked in to be Canes, well winning doesn't impact them, so that's why the finish wasn't great. I'm not understanding the impact of winning then? Seems like in both cases, it had no impact.

And you're saying all these kids decommitted thanks to the losing of 2018, but we didn't exactly have an elite class going into the 2018 season. The momentum of winning 10 games and being a game away from the playoffs, didn't do anything for the 2019 class, even before the losing ruined it.

No where in your narrative have you actually shown where winning helped anything. At best you've shown how losing hurt the class. But I'm not seeing anywhere where it improved recruiting?
Why have Gary Patterson’s classes remained static at TCU despite all his winning and being in Texas?

Why did McElwain’s classes start improving after he hired Seider, but during the same season he’s now losing on the field?

There really is no evidence that winning “creates” recruiting. It’s something a lot of fan bases tell themselves, kinda like “star ratings don’t matter,” but there’s no evidence for it.

Wins matter, as well as having good recruiters who can close. You have to convince these kids that you will develop them and that they will win a lot of games in their careers.

Just look at Miami, Florida, and Florida State this year.

Miami: Terrible year, terrible recruiting class
Florida: Great year, top 10 recruiting class
FSU: Terrible year, terrible recruiting class for FSU's standards