ROFL, so how old was luke when schnelly arrived, yo ignorant *** only heard about luke once 2 live crew hit the scene, the fact that you ignorantly said 2 live crew was "based in Cali" where was luke based out of and raised. What highschool did luke go to, do you think luke woke up one day and just got involved in music in 84-86 with 2 live crew, lol,. That's the problem with the ignorant, you may have heard of melvin bratton, brett perriman, tolbert bain and the likes, go talk to them. To say "luke was a nobody" displays how much ignorance you have, alot of yall who beat your chest about the Greatness of UM thinks it started at UM with schnelly, but to stupid to realize why schnelly made it a point to recruit what he termed "The state of Miami", schnelly was just smart enuff to come into Liberty City and humble himself down and learn, which is why guys like him and jimmy johnson are respected, most of the ignorant ones on this board would get ran out of town! So to you sir, do yourself a favor and just STFU and learn.