Spring Transfer Portal

Be careful, that’s bullying
Intelligence level isn’t really high on this board. Don’t think anyone said we’re definitively getting commits this weekend. People just twist the information they read to fit their agenda. It’s like politics lol. Two classic opinions derived from the same information.

1. We’ve got people (mopes and slurpers alike) that saw the list of visitors this weekend and assumed they’d immediately fall head over heels for Mario and Miami. Hearing positive updates during the weekend must mean they’re ready to commit by Sunday, why entertain other options?

2. We’ve got the mopes ready to pounce if no one commits by Sunday so it bolsters their agenda (whatever that is). Mario isn’t an elite recruiter, we’re poor, we’re only looking for high-character guys, etc. Slurpers assumed they’d commit and were ready to bash the Mario doubters…but since it didn’t happen in 36 hours, all sorts of emotions begin to spew out.

If you know how Mario operates…this was never going to be the case. He doesn’t do anything quickly lol. More likely to get a commit every day or every other day to continue momentum for a longer period of time.

Insider info doesn’t necessarily mean an instant commitment. If someone said those exact words, then pardon me…but pretty sure no one said anything concrete. Just how the staff was feeling towards certain recruits. That’s where reading comprehension needs to kick in.

Obviously we’d like to be in a position similar to USC where guys visit and don’t leave without committing. Maybe some committed silently. Maybe some left wanting to keep their options open. Who knows…either way, drawing definitives from nothing is pretty funny to see.
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Yeah ... but man ... the expectations vs news is a bit of a concern.
I get it but this work they’re putting in is hard work. They’ve got to sell people on coming here in the Portal after last season which, if you’re struggling on the field, is probably harder to overcome. No point in going over the causes like Gattis - he brought in Dawson now at least. This is just where I think we’re at as a program with some of the positions and levels of players we’re going after. Won’t be easy but I think it’ll get better. Hopefully we get some good news soon.
I get it but this work they’re putting in is hard work. They’ve got to sell people on coming here in the Portal after last season which, if you’re struggling on the field, is probably harder to overcome. No point in going over the causes like Gattis - he brought in Dawson now at least. This is just where I think we’re at as a program with some of the positions and levels of players we’re going after. Won’t be easy but I think it’ll get better. Hopefully we get some good news soon.
Yeah and just look at SC, they had a good year with a top tier QB. Players want to go there because they know that they will content and scouts will take notice. It could have been us with TVD to a certain extent but Gattis ****ed everything up. TVD looks like an improvement from 21 and it’s a different ball game for us right now.
It's funny you say that 247 I think just put out a graphic that Miami is one of the better schools at developing talent.

Other than that almost everything you say Miami didn't or doesn't do, Mario did at Oregon.

He won, he developed draft picks, and his teams were tough and physical.
Except when the opponent was Utah.
I suggest you not google JJ’s record vs OU before he got to UM

or Erickson‘s record against Washington when he was at Washington St
We can toss Mario some bail for the Utah *** kickings if we want but not in this way.

Erickson and JJ were at the "little brother" schools in their state. Less resources, less tradition and less talent. JJ getting his *** kicked by OU in the 80s? Thats a long list. **** Mike Gundy despite all his success usually still takes that OU beating.

Mario had all the advantages except for the whole being a better coach thing.
2. I told everyone earlier this week how to handle the positive news, winning over some unlikely allies in the process: just getting these guys on campus to visit is the win. Don’t worry about where they sign.

Christopher Lloyd Realization GIF
I suggest you not google JJ’s record vs OU before he got to UM

or Erickson‘s record against Washington when he was at Washington St
Gotcha. Still hoping we get out $8M a year worth out of Mario. Sooner than later would be good as another season like 2022 sure won't help future recruiting. The proverbial snowball effect.

JJ didn't have a good record against hardly anyone at OK State iirc. Erickson did fabulously well in the PAC, given he was coaching perennial loser Wash State.
We can toss Mario some bail for the Utah *** kickings if we want but not in this way.

Erickson and JJ were at the "little brother" schools in their state. Less resources, less tradition and less talent. JJ getting his *** kicked by OU in the 80s? Thats a long list. **** Mike Gundy despite all his success usually still takes that OU beating.

Mario had all the advantages except for the whole being a better coach thing.
College football has changed so much since the 80s