Some UM Faculty Upset with Mario’s Deal

The school should make the faculty whole from the cuts made for Covid last year. They clearly have the money for it. Academia doesn't pay well, even if you are tenured. Having said that the timing of this is horse****, and I'd bet my life it's instigated by the same people fighting to prevent Miami from spending on athletics.
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Take a look at academic rankings and investment into Alabama after Saban was hired and their continued success. The football program has generated millions upon millions of dollars not only for the sports programs but also into expanding their academic programs. They get 10x more applications from students because everyone wants to go to a school that has a top football program.
True. They are still a bunch of dumb *** inbreds and I wouldn’t let my child attend. I would want them to actually go some place where they can learn something.
jared leto lol GIF by Vidme

Sounds like a lot of crying and complaining, trying to pin this on Mario when there’s concrete proof the funds for his contract came from boosters and not from slashed pay from academic employees.

Ill stay out of X’s and O’s When it comes to proper compensations, but to blame Mario…that’s petty and smells like Epstein.

Besides, when’s the last time Sandra Kelly from Psych 101 generated significant revenue for the university?
Those ******** do know that with “tenure” they’ll never get fired no matter how bad a job or how bad an attitude they have. Fvck teachers. Fire them
Education professionals *****ing about athletics, nothing new to see here.

I do understand though how they could be upset about losing the matching of retirement funds the previous year when we drop that much in a coach. It was an unusual circumstance and they're lucky they didn't lose their job or part of their salary for that year like millions did globally.

I do think athletic spending, all the way down to young kids is pretty crazy, but it is what it is. The amount of money spent by my Wife and I for athletics with our boys, would that be better spent elsewhere? As long as they keep their grades up and enjoy it, then we'll continue to do so.
Those ******** do know that with “tenure” they’ll never get fired no matter how bad a job or how bad an attitude they have. Fvck teachers. Fire them

Tenure doesn't apply to most professors. That's usually in local school systems.
Wiling to bet these anoynmous sources teach critical race theory and gender studies.

So instead of buying 2 porsches a year, they can buy only one.


Heres a news flash; we are now spending what we are supposed to spend for a big time program. We are competitive now.

And you little whiny snobs who never worked a hard day in your life, who hide behind a keyboard because you don't have the balls or ****** to put your name beside your words, you can all kiss my ***.

********. We've tried to have a Dollar General program look like Gucci for years. And now that we *might* have something that will bring our program back to dominance, people are whining.

(Sorry, I'm a bit fired up about this. But it really ****es me off.)

Don't fret, you haiku writing mother****ers. You can always work for my company and drive a semi. That should help pay for your 500k homes down there.
More revenue programs/departments like STEM, less of this crap