Wiling to bet these anoynmous sources teach critical race theory and gender studies.
So instead of buying 2 porsches a year, they can buy only one.
Heres a news flash; we are now spending what we are supposed to spend for a big time program. We are competitive now.
And you little whiny snobs who never worked a hard day in your life, who hide behind a keyboard because you don't have the balls or ****** to put your name beside your words, you can all kiss my ***.
********. We've tried to have a Dollar General program look like Gucci for years. And now that we *might* have something that will bring our program back to dominance, people are whining.
(Sorry, I'm a bit fired up about this. But it really ****es me off.)
Don't fret, you haiku writing mother****ers. You can always work for my company and drive a semi. That should help pay for your 500k homes down there.