Some of the ball players who ran in the Lou Bing Track Class

love these threads. appreciate it [MENTION=8073]CarolCityHigh[/MENTION]

campbell is a freak. must get
Wiggins is like a good 2-3 inches taller and than mark pope who measured in at 6'1 175 too
At the Lou Bing Mike Harley ran the 200m in his first meet and posted a 22.07 (National HS elite is 22.00) so he is nearly at that level in is first meet and Harley is known more for his 40 and 100m (official 10.78- national elite standard 10.80)) than longer sprints

By the way last year Harley ran a 23.20 at the same Lou Bing meet---so he has dropped his long spped substantially

200m--- 23.20..... Feb 19, 2016.... Louie Bing Classic Day 1

200m--- 22.07..... Feb 18, 2017.... Louie Bing Classic Day 1
Cam Davis did well 11.21 not bad for his size....numbers similar to Dalvin Cook... doesn't need to put on much weight at the next level....definitely a home run hitter...IMO
Saw this on the forum:

Totally ridiculous on so many levels.

1) How does a HSer run that fast as a sophomore.

2) How does he get DQd?

Here's how.

From Dyestat.

"Additionally, Cooper ran would might have gone down as an all-time sophomore record in the 200 meters when he ran 20.44 seconds. But he was disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct when he raised his hands and made a 'W' with his fingers. The time that came up on the scoreboard, however, would have moved him to No. 8 on the all-time list. "

Read more: Tyrese Cooper runs 20.44 but is DQed for taunting. WTF?

This is a disgrace. The kid is an absolute stud and just ran one of the best races in the history of HS track and they took the result away from him because he made a gesture that wasn't obscene? GTFOH!
Here are the results for the finals:

Anthony Schwartz ran a 10.54 yesterday and beat Tyrese Cooper in the 100m Final. Tyson Campbell ran 10.93.

Here are the results:

1 Anthony Schwartz 11 Am Heritage 10.54 -2.1 10
2 Tyrese Cooper 10 Norland 10.81 -2.1 8
3 Tyson Campbell 11 Am Heritage 10.93 -2.1 6
4 Taylor Banks 10 Miramar 10.98 -2.1 5
5 Seneca Milledge 10 Dunbar 11.00 -2.1 4
6 Marquel Pittman 12 Lincoln 11.03 -2.1 3
7 Jason Reese 11 Braddock 11.08 -2.1 2
8 nigel bethel 11 Northwestern 11.12 -2.1 1

He also won the 200m

1 Anthony Schwartz 11 Am Heritage 21.22 -0.3 10
2 Jamal Walton 11 Miramar 21.53 -0.3 8
3 Terrence Horne Jr. 11 Miramar 21.64 -0.3 6
4 Duran Bell 12 Hillsborough 22.17 -0.3 5
5 Tyquan Thornton 11 B T. Washington 22.18 -0.3 4
6 nigel bethel 11 Northwestern 22.56 -0.3 3
-- Tyrese Cooper 10 Norland DQ -0.3 TAUNTING

I would love to see what Tyrese Cooper did to get disqualified for taunting.

Smoke is fast as ****. He was on those loaded 13U-14U squads with Nayquan and Macho and the crew...
Go look at the comments on the letsrunlink. No way was that a 20.44. As many comments pointed out it was probably 20.99. The gap between him and the guy who ran second is not that big.
Saw this on the forum:

Totally ridiculous on so many levels.

1) How does a HSer run that fast as a sophomore.

2) How does he get DQd?

Here's how.

From Dyestat.

"Additionally, Cooper ran would might have gone down as an all-time sophomore record in the 200 meters when he ran 20.44 seconds. But he was disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct when he raised his hands and made a 'W' with his fingers. The time that came up on the scoreboard, however, would have moved him to No. 8 on the all-time list. "

Read more: Tyrese Cooper runs 20.44 but is DQed for taunting. WTF?

That's the fastest 200m under the FHSAA. The fastest before that was in 2009 when dentarius Locke ran a 20:54.
Schwartz needs an offer!

I wonder if he will get the Track Scholarship and be a walk
on for football. ie Butch with Santana Moss
NO. Not allowed anymore.

Not necessarily. If he's on a track scholarship, he can walk on to the football team and the scholarship doesn't count against football until he appears in a game.

But more importantly, if I recall correctly, to be considered a track scholarship, he has to be recruited by the track coach. It's after he's on a track scholarship the football coaches can invite him to walk on. If he's initially contacted by the football staff, it may taint his track status.
Schwartz needs an offer!

I wonder if he will get the Track Scholarship and be a walk
on for football. ie Butch with Santana Moss
NO. Not allowed anymore.

Not necessarily. If he's on a track scholarship, he can walk on to the football team and the scholarship doesn't count against football until he appears in a game.

But more importantly, if I recall correctly, to be considered a track scholarship, he has to be recruited by the track coach. It's after he's on a track scholarship the football coaches can invite him to walk on. If he's initially contacted by the football staff, it may taint his track status.

If he practices with football, he is on football scholarship. This is the rule sorry *** NCAA put in place to stop the loophole we took great advantage of.