Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Yeah, while it was not a test of your copy-paste skills, at least you can admit that there were only 7 teams that met your "$7 to 8 million" criterion.

1. Clemson - Tony Elliott was a first-time OC, not in 2021, but Clemson was his first OC job
2. UGa - Lanning/Schumann were both first time DCs/Co-DCs
3. Bama
4. Texas
5. aTm
6. Ohio Taint - Coombs' first DC job is Ohio Taint
7. LSU - Peetz's first OC job is LSU, and Jones' first Division I DC job is LSU

So, you know, 4 of the 7 schools in your pay range had at least 1 first-time coordinator, and 1 had a first-time OC and DC.

Any questions?
Pete Golding’s uncle Steve was an OLineman here in the mid 70’s. I believe he has another uncle that played here at some point
Oh god. I can see the future already if somehow Mario fails lol
Not a member of CaneSport but a friend just texted me and said one of their "insiders" said its Briles and Schuman.

Just passing it along to help us get to 600 quickly...
Can you tell him to tell the board over there that he’s about a month late on reading this thread? They got a lot of catching up to do.

Mario was promised the biggest assistant pool in the ACC and that we'd be able to compete with anyone for anyone. Doesn't mean he will spend every dollar, but basically budget is not going to be a hinderance. On really anything anymore. Start to process that and accept it. It's a good feeling!
Yeah, while it was not a test of your copy-paste skills, at least you can admit that there were only 7 teams that met your "$7 to 8 million" criterion.

1. Clemson - Tony Elliott was a first-time OC, not in 2021, but Clemson was his first OC job
2. UGa - Lanning/Schumann were both first time DCs/Co-DCs
3. Bama
4. Texas
5. aTm
6. Ohio Taint - Coombs' first DC job is Ohio Taint
7. LSU - Peetz's first OC job is LSU, and Jones' first Division I DC job is LSU

So, you know, 4 of the 7 schools in your pay range had at least 1 first-time coordinator, and 1 had a first-time OC and DC.

Any questions?
He’s always ran a Spread offense, all his OC’s have been Spread guys...

There’s varying degrees of Spread offenses. **** even Pastor Richt ran a Spread.

What’s more important is who & how, not necessarily what.
If that abortion of an offense that Richt ran is called a spread then I want nothing to do with a spread offense lol.
It’s not Briles or he is absolutely trolling them. Probably some name that hasn’t even been discussed on here for real
It isn't Briles at OC and it isn't Schumann at DC. Where that leaves us I have no effin clue. What I will say is that if it's Ponce at OC and Hurtt at DC then the honeymoon will be over before it started. I don't honestly think that Mario would string things out this long only to reveal a pair of deuces. Mario has built the suspense up to the point where anything less than a Royal Flush will be a disappointment.

My question to you guys is this ......What hires at OC and DC would you consider a Royal Flush?

To me a Royal Flush would be

OC Sean Lewis.
DC Jim Leonhard.

I don't expect Leonhard but you get the idea.
Yeah, while it was not a test of your copy-paste skills, at least you can admit that there were only 7 teams that met your "$7 to 8 million" criterion.

1. Clemson - Tony Elliott was a first-time OC, not in 2021, but Clemson was his first OC job
2. UGa - Lanning/Schumann were both first time DCs/Co-DCs
3. Bama
4. Texas
5. aTm
6. Ohio Taint - Coombs' first DC job is Ohio Taint
7. LSU - Peetz's first OC job is LSU, and Jones' first Division I DC job is LSU

So, you know, 4 of the 7 schools in your pay range had at least 1 first-time coordinator, and 1 had a first-time OC and DC.

Any questions?
The list of assistant salary pools was for 2021.

Tony Elliot was not a first time oc this year. Not to mention he was co-oc for 5 years at Clemson prior.

Dan Lanning was not a first time DC this year nor was he a co-dc.

Kerry coombs was not a first time DC this year.

The only example you provided was from a team who's entire staff was fired.
I don't honestly think that Mario would string things out this long only to reveal a pair of deuces. Mario has built the suspense up to the point where anything less than a Royal Flush will be a disappointment.
I really dont think Mario gives 2 ***** about stringing anything out. I believe the reason we don't have coordinators announced yet is b/c they havent been finalized yet. Hopefully that is b/c Mario has lots of good potential options and is being thorough as opposed to him struggling to find good options. With the budget and contract he has, I would lean towards the former - if Manny could get Lashlee, I have no doubt that Mario could get someone of at least equal caliber.
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