Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Not saying Hurtt is good, but funny how Dorsey and Hurtt werent good enough for CIS to be college coordinators, yet they got NFL gigs as coordinators, lol
Who exactly was "against" hiring Dorsey to be our OC? Was that the general consensus of the board? If it was then I grossly misread the mood of the board. Were people against him in a general sense or were people maybe pointing out possible cons to the potential hire?

I always got the sense that there was a group of posters who pointed out that he had never officially been an OC before which is reasonable to point out. Others voiced concern about lack of experience in calling plays and others brought up the question of recruiting and pointed out that Dorsey has no previous experience as a recruiter. These are all reasonable points to bring up and I wouldn't exactly characterize them as being anti Dorsey not do I think that anyone felt as though he wasn't good enough. Oh sure there were a couple of goofballs who were dead set against hiring Dorsey and one in particular that I remember because of the logic he used to justify his position. This imbecile was completely against Dorsey because in his mind because Dorsey had come from the NFL(a professional league, the pros) that hiring him would automatically mean that we were going back to a "Pro Style Bro Offense" because we had hired him from the pros. My point is that outside a few cognitively challenged individuals, I didn't see much evidence of some huge anti Dorsey contingent.

I think most of the board expressed their respect for Ken Dorsey and most acknowledged his work ethic, intelligence and the excellent work he does with QBs in addition to his impressive knowledge of offensive football, passing concepts and how to shred practically any defense. I have always been in the camp that would have loved to hire Ken Dorsey as OC/QB coach. I recognize the potential cons but also trust Mario Cristobal's judgement completely and know that he would have answered all of those questions before extending any job offer.

Now Clint Hurtt is a completely different story. There was definitely a huge number of people who felt that it would have been a very bad hire. The reasons would require a thread of its own and I'm not getting into it here. Suffice it to say I believe Clint Hurtt is absolutely qualified to be DC here but I would have been opposed to it.
I thought a Mod started a poll and getting moved to off topic like Harsin thread unlike all the other off topic threads on here
Solid gun maker but overpriced. Feel CZ and FN make better pistols. If you like German, HK is better and Archon makes one of the better tubberware pistols in the type B, and maybe the best striker fired one. In terms of American… Wilson combat is the **** and the Springfield Hellcat is great as well. Of course the Austrain’s have Glock which I’m not a fan of but **** they are reliable

I carry a Hellcat or Sig 365. Both are very good compact guns. As far as Glocks, I have several full size pistols including the 19. No worries with those.
You ******* arbitrary and capricious Maude and Mod slackers. I demand you all go through every thread on the main board - and any that veered off topic - they need to be moved to OT immediately so Tony knows it’s not just him. We must restore his faith in the system. Move em all!!
Wasn’t “my thread” but just trying to comprehend the logic of moving it 🤷🏻‍♂️
There is probably logic for it being moved but probably nothing about why the others weren’t moved beyond - “I wasn’t really paying attention to those”.
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