Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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I do know Auburn just hired Seattle's QB coach to be their new OC for some odd reason, so seems they don't have to wait until the last two games if I read that correctly above

I think everyone should send a $1 to Cribby for his online content. Think of the Christmas he'd have and how much harder he will work in the future.

He's got 264K and a lock on the board. Set up a venmo account or something Cribby!
I know 2 dudes who's Venmo accounts got hacked. Zelle is the way to go. 86 Venmo if you're still using it.
I suspect that rule means nothing if it is a college fb program that wants to talk to him. Correct?
You could be right. If an NFL team wanted to hire Kenny as an OC the team would have get permission to speak with him. I don’t know if that’s a league rule, or just a traditional courtesy. Not sure about CFB team contracting an NFL coach.

According to Oregon‘s AD, a school customarily request permission to speak with another school’s coaches, but not always.
Not saying I'm on the Ken Dorsey train, but for people that still think he isn't qualified to be an OC for us yet....Austin Davis just got hired to be Auburn's OC and only has 3 years experience as a NFL QB coach.

As a reminder of Ken's resume in comparison (for people who somehow don't know)..

-5 years of being a QB coach at Carolina
-2 years of being a QB coach at Buffalo
-In his first year of being the passing game coordinator (and QB coach still) at Buffalo (they're ranked 8th in passing YPG, which is down from being ranked 2nd the previous year)
-2 years of being a scout at Carolina

If you don't want a first time play caller to be the OC, that's understandable. But if someone here doesn't think he's qualified to be a college OC despite the fact that the Seahawks and Jaguars both contacted him before the 2021 season...idk what to tell you when Austin Davis, with 1/3rd of Ken's experience just got hired by an SEC school.
Just because Auburn did it doesn’t mean we should.

Bryan Harsin is also on the verge of getting fired in year 2, so I’m not sure AU’s current situation is the best litmus test by which Miami should make it’s decisions.
The love affair with Ken Dorsey has to stop. He's a great Cqne. But he is underqualified to be an OC at Miami, just like Mario was underqualified to be a HC at Miami when Richt got hired and even when Manny got hired. Now he's the perfect HC. 3-6 years ago he was not.

Take proven winners at the P5 level, or worst case top G5. Do not reach if you're a program like Miami who expects to be in the playoffs in a couple of years. There is no time for on the job training.
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