Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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We can do better. I doubt he’d be the guy Mario hires to replace TRob.

But at the same time if he was hired I wouldn’t really care because the majority of the DB recruiting would still be being done by DVD & Mario, so he’d just basically be a placeholder hire for a year until someone better came into place.

But still, I don’t think at all that he’d be in serious consideration for Mario’s staff maybe as an analyst at best, but not the full time CB’s coach.

Mario likes recruiters, Corey Bell has been a mid-tier crooter his whole career.
He’s in an off-field role now for the gaytor


What’s her @ tho?
Beautiful gif there LCE 👌🏾
What's that? You want Pat Nix and Mark D'Onofrio back. Sure!!!

Your Friend,

Stop cursing at me or I will make these hires happen. It's not too late, you know?
I live in Tuscany, we curse god and his peers once every two words.
Ruiz looks like an idiot IMO. Either drop the details or log off Twitter.
I think he pretty much has. Said that Briles reallllly wanted to be here and we never gave him an official offer. Not sure there are more details than that to give without giving up his sauce.
I know. So then why tweet at briles that he has info disproving briles? Just tweet it or don’t.
If he blocked him that quick we know the victor. Explains it pretty much if Briles wanted to express something different he could have rebutted Ruiz’ statements.
This thread is kicking my ***, stay on the west coast so when I wake there’s 3 hours of content I try to get through.

Not just this thread but other sources, material, etc. (jumped off the train for a bit but that Candle news reeled me back in)

Lots of nuggets, some relevant, some not so much (learning about the tragic end of a wrestler named Junkyard Dog, ugh, tough)

I’ll say this, we know Mario is a Don; he’s structured, organized, calculated, principled, adaptable, and relentless. That garners respect in all circles of the industry.
Recruiting is clearly his baby but I don’t think he gets enough credit for how well-rounded he is as a head man.
Oregon was on the cusp of taking that next step with the horses he was loading into the stable and in his words “they were all puppies”.

Since restarting at Miami he’s had to quickly plant seeds for future return (recruiting wise and organizationally) as well as nurture the programs current state of affairs.

All info (from sources here or media outlets) that makes its way to us is filtered through levels (3rd,4th hand information), that what fiends like us scavenge for collectively might only know 30% of what’s really going on.
I’m going to guess that at some point a pod will be put out (Athletic, CIS, or OBB) that will shed real light on what happened during all this.

But ultimately I advise you my friends to take it all with a grain of caution.

Whether the hires or any moves that occur are perceived as home runs or an anticlimactic bunt, no one but destiny knows how it will all shake out.
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