Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Here is Mario's quote.. "More are coming over the next couple of days, throughout the course of next week, so we can hit the road running come once the contact period begins on Thursday"

Nothing about entire staff being in place
I am
I think he's just being methodical like he historically has been

I guess we’ll see. If it’s what you’re saying then it’s at the cost of recruits, including Portal kids.
Mario you are a football coach, not a secret service agent. There’s no need to be so secretive. It’s really not that serious. Unless hires are nowhere close to being done.
I think that's the excuse people use when it isn't done right away or as timely as we thought. its kinda clear they're not done yet (whether it means within UM or signed agreements or even verbal agreements).
Again.. I'm pretty entrenched in the Mario fan club, but come on. He doesn't have his coordinators lined up? Nothing about this is making sense.

Even waiting on the NFL is starting to sound a bit sketch. The regular season ended Sunday. But for a lot of teams, it ended waaaay before then.

The coaches getting fired have been fired and the coaches whose teams missed the playoffs are now available. You'd think if the coordinators came from either group, it was already in the works.

As for the rest? Let's be real here. Outside of Dorsey, how many NFL coaches currently coaching on playoff teams are going to leave the NFL for UM?
Analysis paralysis.
Here is Mario's quote.. "More are coming over the next couple of days, throughout the course of next week, so we can hit the road running come once the contact period begins on Thursday"

Nothing about entire staff being in place
can’t hit the road running if you’re unable to tell a kid who will be coaching them or what kind of offense/defense they’ll be in.
I guess will see. If it’s what you’re saying then it’s at the cost of recruits, including Portal kids.
It's the Alabama way that the coordinators and position coaches are always going to change so sell the program, sell the head coach. If it costs a couple recruits his first month on the job so be it, I think he'd rather get the hires right.
can’t hit the road running if you’re unable to tell a kid who will be coaching them or what kind of offense/defense they’ll be in.
Post above applies.. Mario has a vision for what he wants the offense and defense to look like, he's the best salesperson Miami will have. Not a coordinator or position coach who could be gone in a year.
Here is Mario's quote.. "More are coming over the next couple of days, throughout the course of next week, so we can hit the road running come once the contact period begins on Thursday"

Nothing about entire staff being in place
Thanks. So then he must be waiting on NFL guys. I can't see any other reason for not announcing this week.
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