Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Tired Pbs Nature GIF by Nature on PBS
I have to admit. That girl sure can work a thumb

So 591 pages in and what we have so far is....

1. Neither OC or DC has been hired yet.
2. Nobody has even the slightest clue of who we are in discussions with for either coordinator position.

3. Professional Wrestling is popular on CIS
4. @nystateofmind and Kenneth are still going strong.

5. There are a lot of pictures of insanely large bags of popcorn floating around on the interwebs.

6. @djnellz likes nailing fat chicks provided they make breakfast the next day.

7. @Liberty City El will spontaneously combust if Mario hires Ponce as OC.

8. Cookie cakes are not an effective recruiting tool.

9. FIU is putting together a good staff.

10. CIS has the best booty gif game in P5

11. Joe Brady and Glenn Schumann are either identical twins or quite possibly the same person.
I feel real old talking wrasstlin’. I grew up in Tampa, watched Gordon Solie and the shows from Ft. Hesterly Armory, and house shows at the Bayfront Center in St. Petersburg. NWA territory. Championship Wrestling from Florida. Eddie Graham was the promoter.

Dusty Rhodes was the top face. Mike Graham, Steve Kerin, Bob Backlund’s early days. Pedro Morales. Jack and Jerry Briscoe. Jos LeDuc. Don Muraco,

Heels coming through like Superstar Billy Graham, Ox Baker, The Assassin, Lars Anderson. Occasionally Harley Race, Dory Funk Jr., and Terry Funk.

Favorite event attended was a house show where LeDuc challenged Billy Graham to a bench press contest. Dusty was helping LeDuc, I forget Graham’s partner. As the ‘weights’ increased and it looked like LeDuc would win, Graham threw chalk into chalk into Rhodes’ face and slammed it into the racked plates. Later, the main event was LeDuc vs Graham. Near the end, Rhodes ran out of the locker room, bandaged and bloody, and he and LeDuc fought Graham and his partner back to backstage.
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Then they were off to Miami Beach for a Wednesday night show at the Miami Beach Convention Center. As a kid, I couldn't wait to rip into the Herald,'s sports page 1st thing Monday morning to read box scores and of course, look for that exact wrestling card ad that was posted to see who was wrasslinon Wednesday night. It was always a treat when the Canadian Freight Train was in town. Every once in a while his brother, Paul Leduc would show up and then you knew it was on. Lol I think for me at the time , the scariest human beings alive were guys like Abdullah the Butcher, Ox Baker, Pak Song,, The Mongolian Stomper , Professor Tanaka, and the Assassins. Those guys really knew how to put on a show. But nothing was better than getting to watch my main man, The American Dream, the son of a plumber, Dusty Rhodes headline a card. He was always in the main event. Man , talk about someone that could get over with the crowd! Everyone loved Dusty! That cat would have the place jumping on Wednesday nights. Ill never forget witnessing those legendary bloody Texas Bull Rope matches, cage matches & lights out no dq matches. I always lost my voice by the end of the night at those shows. Ahhhh good times, good times indeed.
I wasn’t the biggest Stern guy back then but I vaguely remember this. I did watch highlights from his show when it was on “E“. I knew Air Force Amy from Lex and Terry show and the HBO show “ cathouse “.
My boy, were you shook when I posted that pic?
Ms Elizabeth for special locker room assistant ???
Miss Elizabeth was hot too. I named my old 77 Camaro after her. Elizabeth was one bad *** ride. She had a built 350 small block, 350 turbo tranny with a shift kit that would get second everytime & duel exhaust. She had a beautiful candy apple red paint job with a Z28 hood with a scoop and a Kenwood stereo system with an equalizer, coaxial speakers and a mullet. Lol... Gawd I loved that car more than most of my girlfriends except for Julie Overbay. Lol. Ahhh Julie , she got the blue ribbon! Julie lasted as long as the mullet , about 4 years and sadly, Elizabeth just like Miss Elizabeth had tragic endings.
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