Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Unfortunately a lot of our fans are incapable of having a nuanced discussion about Dorsey. I don't think anyone was saying they hated the idea of hiring Dorsey--at least not in recent months. It was more a matter of preference relative to some of the other candidates being discussed. Some fans preferred Briles or Brady because we have a better idea of the type of offense they would be running. With Dorsey, the type of offense he would run is a complete unknown since he's never been an OC before. That's all most of us were saying. Unfortunately some interpreted it as "OMG WHY DO YOU HATE KEN DORSEY!" and now feel vindicated that he got an NFL OC job, which nobody ever doubted would happen. And as you noted, some systems and coaches are better suited for the NFL. Sometimes more complex systems do not translate well to college because of the limitations on practice time in college.
I agree with most of your points and sadly, the inability to have nuanced discussions in this country doesn't seem limited to Dorsey talk on CIS. I would have been very happy with a Dorsey hire but completely understand the hesitancy that some had given the fact that they didn't know what a "Dorsey Offense" would look like. (For the record, Herman has always been my far and away favorite potential OC.)

That said, there were plenty on this board who just a little over a month ago seemed very ANTI Dorsey (including many who are highly respected and regarded here) in a vocal way as if it were the equivalent of hiring the high school janitor for the job. That kind of unabashed disregard of his resume and track record (by granted, a limited number of posters) is what some of us might have been scratching our heads about.

That said, kudos to Dorsey (and Hurtt) and here's to wishing both Canes much success in their NFL gigs.
Got a bottle of eagle rare waiting for me tonight.
Agreed but it won't necessarily be any indictment of Hurtt and at least he'll probably get 2 years of guaranteed coordinator level salary and the resume bullet point. Ol' Pete's time there has just ran its course. Seemed like they were never able to recover roster-wise after they actually had to pay Russell Wilson.
There are only 32 people on EARTH with the job they each just got. A week apart. Show respect.

Also Hurtt was already Associate Head Coach of the Seahawks for a couple of years.
That doesn’t mean they can’t be average to bad at that job. Look at how often people rip on the NFL for recycling average or bad coaches.

I’m not saying Dorsey and Hurtt will be failures, but being hired by the NFL as coordinators doesn’t mean they’ll be good at it.
$600K free ones. Thanks Georgia. **** you BMac. How's it going being in the same building as the man who fired you and the one who demoted you? How's the Miami only wants to run the ball while Georgia is throwing machine working on the trail, *******?

**** my man, why u mad?

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