Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Changing my opinion for clicks is beyond retarded even for that dude. I‘ve read so much nonsense like that or I like attention is why I do this. Even though some of the “people” constantly saying that does the same thing lol.

Heres some facts , I make nothing from this board , nada. Nothing for clicks or threads. My one perk is I get no ads for free. I love attention so much that I have no social media , none. Even though I’ve been “ Mr Insider guy” for over four years, I literally post here and nowhere else. If it was all about attention I could’ve gotten a lot more lol.

The thing is I’m in a lose lose. I get it, I’ve put my self in this position so I’m not playing the victim. But I have a plan for this going forward lol. That way I can get “attention“ without all the attention.

Make sure you report that $25 of imputed income on Schedule C of your 1040. The good news is that you can take deductions against it, so we can probably get you into a loss position, which will reduce your taxable income.

Let me know if you want me to help you structure and account for all of your NIL deals, I'm happy to do it for you.

Lol at what point haven’t yall understood that literally 90% of my comments in this thread is just comic relief.

Everyone just needs to relax & stop taking everything so serious because we’re not getting any coordinators until after NSD.

So have some fun guysm!
Um…it was a joke. I’ve been around long enough know the “guysm” pre cursor
I believe There’s a billion dollar class action suit out there about the military and those earplugs…you might want to check into it…and thank you for your service .My son-in-law is a Lt Col in the AF and just took over squadron commander at Belle Chase NAS
Nice, I wish I would've made a career out of it. I'm part of the class action, but there are thousands of us. I'm expecting us all to get like $20. I don't care about that as much as 3M taking a hit. What they did was ******.
Yes but some guys on here literally ********** at their computers each time they receive public e-cred or, alternatively, sign up for psychotherapy each time their smelly insider fingers receive a negative sniff.
I’d prefer neither. Hence why I ask mods to delete threads about me or tell people to send a Pm to thank me rather than give me attention on the board. Tbh I don’t want that. I know people appreciate it. It’s a lose lose and I get it. But like I said I know how to handle it going forward.
Its not that , I know people do. I just said what needed to be said. The whole “ clicks and attention“ bs is old. And everyone knows why “ those people “ say it. They’d be surprised how many posters here see how obvious it is lol.

I couldn’t help myself… @Cribby
Nice, I wish I would've made a career out of it. I'm part of the class action, but there are thousands of us. I'm expecting us all to get like $20. I don't care about that as much as 3M taking a hit. What they did was ******.

I agree..I lost some of my hearing ( different tones are hard to hear) working at Piper Aircraft from rivet guns…we were given those little foam yellow ones to wear…didn’t offer much protection…

I really hope you guys end up with more than 20 bucks each but is as usual in these class actions the only ones that get rich are the attorneys.
Changing my opinion for clicks is beyond retarded even for that dude. I‘ve read so much nonsense like that or I like attention is why I do this. Even though some of the “people” constantly saying that does the same thing lol.

Heres some facts , I make nothing from this board , nada. Nothing for clicks or threads. My one perk is I get no ads for free. I love attention so much that I have no social media , none. Even though I’ve been “ Mr Insider guy” for over four years, I literally post here and nowhere else. If it was all about attention I could’ve gotten a lot more lol.

The thing is I’m in a lose lose. I get it, I’ve put my self in this position so I’m not playing the victim. But I have a plan for this going forward lol. That way I can get “attention“ without all the attention.
Bro if you really want to prove you’re not doing this for the attention, you’ll just drop the OC & DC hires… trust me, no attention will come of it.
Lol at what point haven’t yall understood that literally 90% of my comments in this thread is just comic relief.

Everyone just needs to relax & stop taking everything so serious because we’re not getting any coordinators until after NSD.

So have some fun guysm!
Maybe st Patrick’s day….
The Titans will eventually have to realize you can’t win a SB with Tanneyhill and a running game.

lol so funny and true. My wife and I were watching the end of that game on my iPad, because of course no Internet service (fūck you ATT internet & U-verse), and she was just saying “oh I feel so sorry for Tannehill he looks so sad“ I’m like do you not remember the dolphin days?
ferman is so dumb. comes out publicly stating mario wouldn't offer a job unless it would be accepted AFTER it's been confirmed that mario offered a job to candle and it was declined.

who allows him access to the internet

missed that confirmation; where's the link?
I've been saying for some time now that @OriginalGatorHater is a nuisance and I'm glad more are beginning to say the same. As @Cribby put it, he's been nowhere to be found for weeks during/since the Mario news but has been sure to rear his head over the past week or two and come at posters now that many are getting impatient.

I'm all for having opposing viewpoints and backing those up with facts, but the shtick is long played out when this poster has moped like a prepubescent girl for several years now and never has anything positive to say about anything.
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