Some info on Jaden Rashada

Legit surprised the article didn't say ex-Miami commit Jaden Rashada

Expecting and secretly hoping he struggles. I know it’s not the mature way to be. But I’m petty. Kid screwed us by flipping to UF and wasn’t even worth it in the first place. Of course I was actually happy he did because I felt he was overrated. But still…
Expecting and secretly hoping he struggles. I know it’s not the mature way to be. But I’m petty. Kid screwed us by flipping to UF and wasn’t even worth it in the first place. Of course I was actually happy he did because I felt he was overrated. But still…

Blame his ****head father, not him. In this case, it’s appropriate. Wish him the best. His pops cost him substantial $$.
Expecting and secretly hoping he struggles. I know it’s not the mature way to be. But I’m petty. Kid screwed us by flipping to UF and wasn’t even worth it in the first place. Of course I was actually happy he did because I felt he was overrated. But still…
you can think hes overrated but you better sign someone of the same caliber as a recruit and we didnt. thats the issue. either way, hes a kid. blame the adults that allowed it to happen but a kid can change his mind for w.e. reason. on top of that, at the time of the flip, we were horrific on the field and known as a QB killing program with gattis here
The kid had legit high school tape.
Sucks he didn’t stick.
But he got suckered into a shty deal and didn’t handle it professionally when it came to UM.
Just hoping for the best for him. He not a gator so am not wishing him no bad luck unless we play against him, Then it's all The U!!!!
Expecting and secretly hoping he struggles. I know it’s not the mature way to be. But I’m petty. Kid screwed us by flipping to UF and wasn’t even worth it in the first place. Of course I was actually happy he did because I felt he was overrated. But still…

Expecting & Secretly Hoping SC Sends a Mad Dog Prison Blitz off his blind side and the Nickel mid play proceeds to flash the SC peace sign & then inserts it into his rèctum.

Good for Rashada.

He beat out former Notre Dame backup Drew Pyne, former BYU backup Jacob Conover, and last year's backup Trent Bourguet. Tough competition and heated camp battle, I'm sure.

Good for Rashada.

He beat out former Notre Dame backup Drew Pyne, former BYU backup Jacob Conover, and last year's backup Trent Bourguet. Tough competition and heated camp battle, I'm sure.

Pyne was going to be the starter but got hurt.

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